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Pig farming, Environment, SanityAbstract
In this study we carried out bibliographical research on the impacts that pig production can cause on the environment, highlighting what is necessary for its production. During the research, some current manuscripts on this theme were used in the Google Scholar tool. Brazil is the fourth largest producer and exporter of pork. Despite the importance of this activity, the environmental impacts linked to swine farming have caused extremely relevant effects on the surrounding environment. The high consumption of water resources and the emission of liquid and gaseous objects into the environment are notable among these effects. The undue discharge of untreated waste into rivers, lakes and the soil can cause diseases (worms, allergies, hepatitis), in addition to zoonoses, causing discomfort to the population. The objective of this work is to identify environmentally sustainable alternatives with regard to the disposal of manure and the waste of water from pig farming. Swine farming requires a waste control program for its correct management. Waste treatment, in order to fulfill its final objective and to be effective, needs to convert waste into harmless material when returned to the environment. We have biodigesters as a form of treatment that is an efficient tool contributing to the minimization of waste that goes into the environment.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Soraya Abrantes Pinto De Brito, Grazielly Diniz Duarte, Felipe Eduardo da Silva Sobral , Martin Lindsey Christoffersen

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