Environmental Smoke 2024-08-30T10:55:47+00:00 Dimítri de Araújo Costa Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Environmental Smoke (<strong>ES Journal</strong>) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal focussing on Environmental Sciences and related topics, involving the interrelationship of the human being and the environment.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Other topics: Environmental/Biological Sciences, Humanities, Exact Sciences, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Integrative Studies, Cross-cutting themes, among others.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Before submitting, please consult the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Guidelines for Authors</a>.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The name of this journal refers to the smoke emitted by an erupting volcano, in which gases represent knowledge (in all areas), which spread throughout the world globe to the entire society.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Mission:</strong> To broaden scientific knowledge within an interdisciplinary approach, by bringing together not only the scientific community but also all of society around the theme of the relationship of the environment with humanity.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal Environmental Smoke follows Sustainable Development Goals #4 (<strong>Quality Education</strong>), #5 (<strong>Gender Equality</strong>), #10 (<strong>Reduced Inequalities</strong>), #13 (<strong>Climate Action</strong>), #16 (<strong>Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions</strong>) and #17 (<strong>Partnerships for the Goals</strong>).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Environmental Smoke Institute</a></strong> is the <a title="ES-Inst - ROR(Research Organization Registry)" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">non-profit official publisher</a> of this journal.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This journal is <strong>B1</strong> for <strong>Qualis/Capes/Brazil</strong>. Check on the <a title="Sucupira Platform" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sucupira Platform</a>. <a title="Qualis Capes" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong><img src="" alt="" width="97" height="76" /></strong></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Manuscripts should be submitted only in <strong>English language</strong>, and may be submitted at any time of the year. Click on <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Guidelines for authors</a></strong> for accessing the rules of manuscripts presentation and format, as well as the <strong>fees/charges for authors</strong>. Each manuscript (Full Articles, Short Communications, Abstracts) has an exclusive DOI (Digital Object Identifier), registered on the <a title="Crossref - DOI" href=";q=10.32435%2Fenvsmoke" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Crossref website</a>.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">-For special editions (supervised by a guest editor), additional languages may be applied, for example Portuguese, Spanish, French, Chinese.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>NOTE: All authors must provide, within the journal workflow system, the <a href="">ORCID</a> link, the international personal digital identifier of researchers.</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Publication period:</strong> Throughout the year, with <strong>continuous publication</strong>, in which accepted articles are available online after the review process has been finalised.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The webiste was developed through the Open Journal Systems/Public Knowledge Project (OJS/PKP).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">If you would like to be a funder/maintainer of this journal, please contact us via email or phone by going to the <strong><a title="Contact" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Contact</a></strong> tab.</p> FIXED OIL FROM PEQUI FRUIT (Caryocar coriaceum) PREVENTS LUNG CHANGES CAUSED BY VEHICLE POLLUTANTS 2024-08-30T10:55:47+00:00 Fladimir de Lima Gondim Marcelle Ferreira Moura Allison Matias de Sousa Ruth Mesquita Ferreira Gilvan Ribeiro dos Santos Ana Raquel Rodrigues de Oliveira João Henrique Silva Luciano Daniel Silveira Serra Francisco Sales Ávila Cavalcante Mona Lisa Moura de Oliveira Antônia Torres Ávila Pimenta <p>The exposure to diesel exhaust particles (DEP) in high-traffic environments is associated with significant alterations in the respiratory system. In parallel, it is assumed that the regular inclusion of compounds containing high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as pequi oil (<em>Caryocar coriaceum</em>), in the diet may help with disorders caused by these pollutants. The present work investigates the benefits of oral ingestion of fixed oil from <em>Caryocar coriaceum</em> (CC) on lung tissue and ventilatory mechanics in mice exposed to DEP, as well as its chemical composition. The CC, mainly composed of linoleic acid (49.13%), prevented the increase in the bronchoconstriction index and the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the pulmonary alveoli. Moreover, it was able to prevent changes in ventilatory parameters caused by DEP, such as airway resistance, tissue resistance, elastance, lung compliance, inspiratory capacity, and the area of the pressure-volume curve. Our findings demonstrated that the implementation of CC in the diet of mice exposed to DEP was responsible for preventing the establishment of histological and functional alterations in the respiratory system caused by these vehicular pollutants.</p> 2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fladimir de Lima Gondim, Marcelle Ferreira Moura, Allison Matias de Sousa, Ruth Mesquita Ferreira, Gilvan Ribeiro dos Santos, Ana Raquel Rodrigues de Oliveira, João Henrique Silva Luciano, Daniel Silveira Serra, Francisco Sales Ávila Cavalcante, Mona Lisa Moura de Oliveira, Antônia Torres Ávila Pimenta UPDATED DISTRIBUTION OF OCTOCORAL Carijoa riisei (DUCHASSAING & MICHELOTTI, 1860) IN BRAZIL INCLUDING ITS FIRST RECORD IN THE STATE OF SERGIPE, NORTHEASTERN BRAZIL 2024-03-26T17:57:28+00:00 Caio Correia Régis-Silva Leonardo Cruz da Rosa <p>This study recorded, for the first time, the presence of the azooxanthellate colonial octocoral <em>Carijoa riisei</em> (Carijoidae) in the state of Sergipe, Brazil. In September 2021, colonies of <em>C. riisei</em> were observed attached to a floating pier in the estuary of the Vaza-Barris River, in the central region of the Sergipe coastline. These colonies were photographed <em>in situ</em> and collected for confirmation of their morphological identification in the laboratory. Our results represent the first recorded occurrence of <em>Carijoa riisei</em> in the state of Sergipe and contribute to filling a gap in the species distribution along the Brazilian coast. Future studies are necessary to assess the potential impacts of <em>C. riisei</em> on local ecosystems and understand the role of artificial substrates in the dispersal of invasive species.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Caio Correia Régis-Silva, Leonardo Cruz da Rosa EVALUATING THE ENVIRONMENTAL LICENSING PROCESS OF MARINE CALCAREOUS ALGAE BY THE IBAMA IN BRAZIL 2024-03-29T11:49:27+00:00 Luana Sena Ferreira José Ângelo Sebastião Araújo dos Anjos <p>Currently, the efforts of marine research and marine resources exploitation are rising. However, debate usually is divided into economic and conservation approaches. One procedure used in Brazil to achieve coherence between economic development and environmental management in exploitation of natural resources is the environmental licensing. In Brazil, this activity is relatively recent and so little is known about the actual negative environmental impacts. The goal of this paper was to evaluate the main positive and negative aspects from environmental licensing process of exploitation of marine algae in Brazil guided by the IBAMA, focusing on processes with operation license emitted or expired. This qualitative research and methodology was developed into different stages between 2014 to 2015, analysis of legislation, information in licensing online systems and consultation in the technical collection of IBAMA head office, in Brasília. From processes evaluated, some of the main negative aspects found were incomplete studies, occurrence of irregularities, time elapsed and judicial intervention. On the other hand, positive aspects were strategies to give more speed and efficiency to processes. For breaching the conditions of operating licenses, all these licenses were suspended. The improvement of environmental licensing is needed and very required by several actors. However, it needs a broad discussion that considers the institutional existing experiences and limitations, mainly under challenges and pressure in its operational, budgetary or political performance.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Luana Sena Ferreira, José Ângelo Sebastião Araújo dos Anjos RECORD OF METACERCARIAE OF PARAGONIMUS BRAUN, 1899 (PLATYHELMINTHES: TREMATODA) IN THE AMAZON PROVINCE 2024-04-05T11:21:16+00:00 Déborah Elena Galvão Martins Israel Hidenburgo Aniceto Cintra Silvio Felipe Barbosa Lima Victória Maria Rodrigues de Sousa Flavio de Almeida Alves-Júnior <p>In this study we report a new occurrence of <em>Paragonimus </em>Braun, 1899 in the Amazon province, recovered from a new host, the semi-terrestrial sesarmid crab <em>Armases benedicti </em>(Rathbun, 1897). Additionally, we would like to alert the health authorities to the presence of trematodes in the urban area of Belém-PA. The specimens of <em>A. benedicti</em> were manually collected on the banks of the Guamá River (01°28’22.6”S; 048°26’49.79”W) in January 2024. We accounted for 42 specimens of <em>A. benedicti</em>, with one male showing the presence of an excysted metacercariae of <em>Paragonimus </em>sp. in the seminal tube. Despite the low number of individuals, the occurrence of this parasite in the region raises the possible parasitism in other organisms such as mollusks, other crustaceans and fish, which are directly consumed by humans. Thus, this paper focuses in warning the risk of contamination of the population, especially by pulmonary paragonimiasis, however, further studies and new samples are needed to identify this parasite in species level and describe its life cycle in the region.</p> 2024-04-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Déborah Elena Galvão Martins, Israel Hidenburgo Aniceto Cintra, Silvio Felipe Barbosa Lima, Victória Maria Rodrigues de Sousa, Flavio de Almeida Alves-Júnior CLIMATE CHANGE IN SOUTH-EAST NIGERIA 2024-04-05T20:24:35+00:00 Madumelu H.C. Madubueze Anthony Ejue Egberi Ikeobi Christopher Ejiofor Nnamdi M. Nwadiogbu <p>The study is an assessment of the effects of climate change in South Eastern region. Apart from struggling with the scars of a civil war, the region is experiencing exponential increase in industrialisation, manifesting in a number of industrial clusters which has given rise in the level of industrial gas emissions, establishment of housing estates, resulting in large scale deforestation in a region already threatened by floods, and gully erosion. The study examined the trend in erosion and flooding in South East region of Nigeria, the effects of erosion and flooding in the region, the constitutive efforts of governments to address the effects of erosion and flooding, the implications for regional and national development as well as a conclusion. The findings show that the people of the South East have had their fair- share of the devastating impact of the Climate change, as manifested in the apparent changes in general weather pattern, increasing level of erosion menace in many States across the region, poor yield in agricultural produce, resettlement of residents as a result of flooding, among others. The paper concludes that community based interventions are relevant to sustain government initiatives to mitigate the effects of climate change, especially erosion and flooding in Southeast, Nigeria.</p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Madumelu H.C. Madubueze, Anthony Ejue Egberi, Ikeobi Christopher Ejiofor, Nnamdi M. Nwadiogbu ANATOMICAL VARIATIONS OF THE VERTEBRAL ARTERY AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS 2024-04-11T19:37:59+00:00 Gil Dutra Furtado Marcos Antônio Jerônimo Costa Sérgio Eduardo Jerônimo Costa Felipe Eduardo da Silva Sobral Catarina Maria Andrade Figueiredo Guimarães Maia Janyeliton Alencar de Oliveira <p>The Vertebral arteries correspond to a pair of vessels that originate from the superior branch of the 1st portion of the A. Subclavia. In general, they present general anatomical variations regarding the length and diameter of the lumen, with the left being larger than the right. More extreme variations, such as the absence of one of the arteries, due to agenesis or involution, are generally related to craniovertebral defects. The objective of this work was to evaluate the anatomical variations found in the vertebral arteries and to discuss their clinical implications. In the construction of this study, a descriptive research, of the RIL type, was carried out, fulfilling all the stages of development. The search resulted in 23 articles. After reading, the corpus was composed of 12 articles, whose potential content was dedicated to investigating the type of anatomical variation of the vertebral artery and its implications and harms in the health of the carriers. Symmetrical vertebral arteries are found in about 26% of individuals. Marked differences in the diameter of the arteries, called Vertebral Artery Dominance (VAD) result in a significant decrease in the blood flow velocity of the artery and an increase in the resistance index (RI). The incidence of infarction in the posterior region of the brain is significantly higher in individuals with VAD. Infarctions occurred more frequently on the side of the non-dominant vertebral artery, probably due to non-mixing of Aa blood. vertebral arteries within the A. basilar, which run separately and with a central zone where flow is absent, called the "dead spot". Changes in normal blood flow were tested to determine their correlations with sites of thrombosis and atherosclerosis in humans. The agenesis of some branches of A. vertebral is also identified as an important factor for the occurrence of strokes in the posterior region of the brain.</p> 2024-04-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gil Dutra Furtado, Marcos Antônio Jerônimo Costa, Sérgio Eduardo Jerônimo Costa, Felipe Eduardo da Silva Sobral, Catarina Maria Andrade Figueiredo Guimarães Maia, Janyeliton Alencar de Oliveira ROPE TO THE SEA: OBSERVATION OF THE FISHING ROPE ACTING AS ARTIFICIAL SUBSTRATA TO FIXATION OF CORAL Astrangia solitaria (Le SUEUR, 1817) COLLECTED IN THE GREAT AMAZON REEF SYSTEM (GARS) 2024-07-16T15:08:02+00:00 Flavio de Almeida Alves-Júnior Déborah Elena Galvão Martins Ana Patrícia Barros Cordeiro Alex Garcia Cavalleiro de Macedo Klautau Israel Hidenburgo Aniceto Cintra <p>Herein, we report the first observation of the coral <em>Astrangia solitaria</em> (Le Sueur, 1817) adhered on the polypropylene fishing rope (artificial substrate), collected in the areas of the Great Amazon Reef System (GARS). The specimens of <em>A. solitaria</em> were collected adhered on the fishing rope abandoned in bottom areas associated with the GARS, in the state of Amapá (Northern Brazil) (02°57'54"N; 048°27'50,4"W), during the commercial fishing operations of the red snapper - <em>Lutjanus purpureus</em> (Poey, 1866) - in May 2024. We observed 226 m of lost rope from the illegal lobster trap “caçoeira” adhered (wrapped) in the fish trap called “manzuá”, where we accounted 63 colonies of <em>A. solitaria</em> covering 12.5 cm of this rope. This observation can be associated with a wide range of marine invertebrate adaptations for the use of these types of macroplastics in an anthropized environment.</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Flavio de Almeida Alves-Júnior, Déborah Elena Galvão Martins, Ana Patrícia Barros Cordeiro, Alex Garcia Cavalleiro de Macedo Klautau, Israel Hidenburgo Aniceto Cintra