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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.

  • All authors informed institutional affiliation, ORCID, and links to the authors' CV, for example: Researcher ID/Publons (, Scopus Author ID (, Currículo Lattes (, Ciência Vitae (, or other.
  • Doi link ( was mentioned, whenever possible, for each article cited in the References section.
  • The text is spaced 1.5 cm, with line numbering; uses a font Times New Roman, size 12; uses italics instead of underlining; figures and tables in the form of attachments.
  • The manuscript follows the Ethics Code, style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors from the Journal/Publisher Environmental Smoke.

Author Guidelines


-Aims and Editorial Policies:

-All manuscripts submitted (anonymously, i.e. without identification of authorship in the file and its settings) must contain original research (including figures and tables) not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Overall, authors should not submit for consideration in another journal a paper that has been published previously, except as part of a published lecture/conference abstract or academic thesis.

-The main criterion for acceptance is scientific quality. Papers should avoid excessive use of abbreviations or jargon and should be intelligible to the widest possible audience. Particular attention should be given to the sections Abstract, Introduction and Discussion, which should draw attention to the novelty and significance of the reported data. Failure to do so may result in delays in the publication or rejection of the document. Articles accepted for publication will be part of the definitive collection of the journal.

-Environmental Smoke is signer of "The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)" (, which encourage all individuals and organizations who are interested in developing and promoting best practice in the assessment of scholarly research. 

-Environmental Smoke is on the list of internationally recognized journals with excellent publication quality, being part of the "ICI Journals Master List database", from the Copernicus indexer. This indexer performs its evaluation with a multidimensional parametric analysis, checking the editions published so far, and also noting that the journal adopts rules of anti-predatory policy.

-Ethical Procedures:

-All manuscripts submitted to the Journal Environmental Smoke should agree according to scientific ethical conduct. This journal follows the ethical standards recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

-Research conducted with biological material or with human beings requires proof of approval from the ethics committee of the responsible government agency. In this case, in the Material and Methods section insert the information, such as the following examples:

a) For animals: "The collection of organisms was authorised by the (include governmental agency), report (insert register number/code)".

b) For humans: "The study and questionnaire were approved by the Ethics Committee of the (include governmental agency), report (insert register number/code)".

-When reporting experiments on humans, authors must indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with ethical standards of the committee responsible for human (institutional or regional) experimentation and with the Declaration of Helsinki along to The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association; in addition, guide of the institution or national research council, or any national law should be referenced/described in detail.

In addition, for work involving questionnaires/interviews, a document signed by all participants consenting to their participation in the research will be required. In the case of children under 18, a document signed by their parents consenting to their child's participation will be required.

-For animal experiments should comply with the ARRIVE guidelines (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) and should be carried out in accordance with the U.K. Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, or European Union Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, or the Law 11.794/2008 of the Ministry of Health of the Federative Republic of Brazil, or the U.S. Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and, as applicable, the Animal Welfare Act.

-Plagiarism: All articles will be submitted to plagiarism detector, in the website Authors will be contacted if any plagiarism is detected (using information from any author without the proper citation). This journal follows international guidelines for ethics, which encourage authors to verify the information written in their manuscript, to give due credit to the author who made the statement in previous studies, and to make citations that are necessary for good scholarly-scientific conduct. In cases of plagiarism confirmation, the article will be rejected.

-Publisher Considerations:

We emphasize that the peer review process of this journal is double-blind, in which the authors do not have access to the reviewers, and the reviewers do not know they are the authors.

The decision to accept the manuscripts is based on the review by the referees, with a final decision by the Section Editor responsible for the volume.

If necessary the Section Editor will invite more reviewers to have a more reliable decision on the acceptance of the article.

For full details on these procedures, click on Review Process

-Changes in accepted and/or published manuscripts:

In cases requiring journal corrections (erratum - publishing rectification), author retractions (corrigendum - author changes), and/or editorial expressions of concern, the manuscript will be republished with changes, explicitly visible in the "new manuscript".

-Erratum – Publishing rectification:

If the authors see any errors in the article after it has been published, they can ask the editorial team to request a correction, by sending an email to the journal (, indicating the full title of the original manuscript.
This request will be checked by the journal's editorial team, and if approved, the correction will be published as a new manuscript (including DOI), containing the new corrected information. And in this new document to be published, reference will be made to the original article published.

-Corrigendum – Author changes:

During submission, the person responsible for sending and communicating any matters relating to the manuscript (corresponding author) must double-check the list and order of all authors/co-authors. Author names in the authorship list should only be added, removed, or rearranged with permission from the journal editor prior to the manuscript being accepted. An explanation for the author list modification, and a signed document from each author/co-author indicating their consent to the addition, deletion, or reorganization must be sent to the Editor responsible for the manuscript, by sending an email to the journal (, indicating the full title of the original manuscript. When an author is added or deleted, this also provides the added or removed author's confirmation.


-Studies involving species names (including proposal of new species), check the standards adopted by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN), International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP), International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), or other applicable.

Note: For the first mention of the species name write its full name (genus + species) together with the authorship and year of publication.

Note: If the species name is the same as the original name, write the authorship and year without parentheses. However, if the name has been changed by taxonomic revisions, use the parentheses.

Examples: Hermodice carunculata (Pallas, 1766) / Escherichia coli Castellani & Chalmers, 1919 / Hancornia speciosa Gomes, 1812.

Some official websites for checking the current taxonomic status of species: , ,

Note: Articles proposing new zoological nomenclatural acts, for example new species, must be registered on the ZooBank website (
In this case, when the article is accepted (in press), the corresponding author will be requested to register it.

DATA ACCESS: Authors may be asked to provide the research data supporting their paper for editorial review and/or to comply with the open data requirements of the journal. Authors should be prepared to provide public access to such data, if practicable, and should be prepared to retain such data for a reasonable number of years after publication.

CREDIT AUTHORSHIP CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Please disclose the contribution of each author, e.g.: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Project administration, Writing, Proofreading, Validation, and others that may be applicable.

DECLARATION OF INTEREST: Authors should added in the manuscript submission (word file) the Declaration of Interest section, disclosing any conflicts of interest that may exist in their research, e.g. any financial and personal relationships with other people or organisations that could be viewed as inappropriately influencing (bias) to their study. If not applicable, please write: "The authors disclose that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the study reported in this manuscript".

FUNDING SOURCE: All sources of financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article should be declared, as should the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. In case the funding source(s) had no such involvement then this should be stated: "The authors declare that no funding is applicable for this research".

Note: Omission situations, please send an e-mail to the Journal (


We accept articles only in English language (for the regular 4-monthly issues).

-For special editions (supervised by a guest editor), additional languages may be applied, for example Portuguese, Spanish, French, Chinese.

The text files must be sent in Word format.

The texts can be published as Full Article, Short Communication, or Abstract.

1) Title page: with the Full name of all authors, in order of authorship; Orcid and full affiliation of each author; Email of each author, with the indication of the correspondence author; and Authorship Credit Contribution Statement.
2) Full text of the manuscript without indication of authorship.

Note: Authorship information (authors, institutions, Orcid link, URL/CV link, emails) must also be entered during the journal submission process.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based writing:

If authors use AI-based tools, a statement must be written, which will be published in the manuscript.

The statement should appear before the References section.

The use of any AI tool should only be to improve the writing of the manuscript (or language revision), and should not imply its original writing.

Each case will be analysed by the Responsible-Editor of the manuscript.

If the authors don't submit this declaration will result in a delay in the evaluation of the manuscript, or even the rejection of the submission. This step is mandatory and must be complied with by the authors.

Example statement:
"AI-based writing statement:

The authors who carried out this research declare the use of an AI-based tool to promote improvements in the writing of this manuscript."


1) Full Articles:

Full Articles Submissions are manuscripts (minimum six pages) containing the following sections: 1) Front Page: Title, Abstract and Keywords; 2) Introduction; 3) Material and Methods; 4) Results; 5) Discussion; 6) Conclusions; 7) CREDIT AUTHORSHIP CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT; 8) DECLARATION OF INTEREST; 9) FUNDING SOURCE; 10) Acknowledgments (optional); 11) References.

Articles in other areas of knowledge (e.g. Social Sciences) may follow another section organization. The items listed are recommendations and serve only as a formatting guide.

If the authors prefer they can merge Results and Discussion. When applicable, the Materials and Methods section should indicate the Ethics Committee that evaluated the procedures for human studies or the standards followed for the maintenance and experimental treatments of animals.

1.1) Format of the Full Articles:

A. Page setup: A4 paper size; upper, lower, right and left margins: 2.5 cm.

B. Font: Times New Roman, size 12.

C. Spacings: 1.5 between rows.

1.2) Full Article Topics:

Title: up to 250 characters.

Authors and institutions (Only in the submission system):

Authors: Add the full name of the authors, with the full academic affiliation. The electronic address (e-mail) must be indicated for corresponding author.

In the online Submission include the ORCID identifier ( of all authors.

In the section "URL" include each author's CV link, for example: Web of Science Profile/Researcher ID/Publons (, Scopus Author ID (, Currículo Lattes (, Ciência Vitae (, or other.

Cover letter: Write a letter to the editorial team, explaining the reasons why you are submitting your manuscript to Journal Environmental Smoke, describing new findings or novelty of the study (you can fill in the empty field available or send a file).

Abstract: Provide a summary, containing a brief introduction, the purpose of the study, the main methodological approach, the most important findings and the conclusions of the study.

Keywords: Three to five items should be provided.

Introduction: should define the purpose of the study, provide a brief summary (not a review) of previous relevant work and indicate that further progress has been made in the research. It should not include data or conclusions from the work being reported.

Material and Methods: Authors should provide clear and sufficient information to allow the study to be repeated by others. Standard techniques only need to be referenced. Include information on Ethics, if applicable.

Results: It should be a concise report of new information discovered, with the slightest personal judgment. Do not repeat in the text all the data in the tables and illustrations.

Discussion: It should be limited to the meaning of the new information and relate the new findings to the existing knowledge. Only unavoidable quotes should be included.

Note: Results and Discussion can be formatted in a single topic, as follows: "Results and Discussion". If necessary, the evaluators may suggest that this topic be written in two separate ones, following the traditional format adopted.

Conclusions: The authors should write in this section a brief and concise summary of the results of the manuscript, and may include something about future perspectives that this work could produce, for example.

CREDIT AUTHORSHIP CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Please disclose the contribution of each author, e.g.: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Project administration, Writing, Proofreading, Validation, and others that may be applicable.

DECLARATION OF INTEREST: Authors should added in the manuscript submission (word file) the Declaration of Interest section, disclosing any conflicts of interest that may exist in their research, e.g. any financial and personal relationships with other people or organisations that could be viewed as inappropriately influencing (bias) their study. If not applicable, please write: "The authors disclose that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the study reported in this manuscript".

FUNDING SOURCE: All sources of financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article should be declared, as should the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. In case the funding source(s) had no such involvement then this should be stated: "The authors declare that no funding is applicable for this research".

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (optional): This journal recommends that authors add any support they have obtained to carry out the research. However, the authors should not include the same information already present in the Funding Source section.

Citations and References: It is recommended to follow the standard of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). Only citations that appear in the text should be referenced. Unpublished articles, unless accepted for publication, should not be cited. Manuscripts accepted for publication should be referred to as "in press" and a letter of acceptance of the journal should be provided. Unpublished data should only be cited in the text as "unpublished observations" or "personal communication" (depending on case), and a letter of permission from the author.

Authors have the option to insert Citations and References using the Mendeley tool (ABNT - Portuguese Brazil).

-CITATIONS (adapted from ABNT NBR 10520: 2002):

* The last surname of the author(s) must be used, or the last surnames linked by a hyphen. Examples: Figueiredo (2017), Gonçalves-Dias et al. (2013).

* Up to 3 (three) authors, cite all of them. The use of expression "et al." (not italicised) is in case of 4 (four) authors or more.

* When referring to the same author(s) in different years, add "a", "b"... Examples: Christoffersen (2005a, 2005b); Isaza, Lira and Costa (2016a, 2016b, 2016c). Whenever the citation is within parentheses use semicolon: (LOUKILI; BELGHYTI, 2007).

Note: When the last surname is "Filho", "Neto" or "Júnior", the previous one may optionally be added. Examples: Silva Neto et al. (2019), Duarte Filho (2015).

* When more than one manuscript is cited in the same sentence, use chronological sequence, i.e. from oldest to newest one. Examples: (MORAVEC; TARASCHEWSKI, 1988; DE CHARLEROY et al., 1990; KIRK, 2003; ROLBEICKI; ROKICKI, 2005).

Note: When several manuscripts published in the same year are cited in the same sentence, use alphabetical sequence. Examples: (KNOPF, 2006; MÜNDERLE et al., 2006; TARASCHEWSKI, 2006).

A) Indirect citations: When using section(s) from another manuscript as a basis for writing a sentence in his own words.

* When the citation occurs with the names of the author(s) outside the parenthesis, only the first letter of the author's name should be capitalized:

Example: Lamenzon and Patriota (2009) argue that water can repair some of these effects by enhancing adaptation [...].

* When the citation occurs with the names of the author(s) within the parenthesis, the author's name must be capitalized:

Example[...] which culminates in a good development for national livestock (PEDREIRA; PEREIRA; PAIVA, 2013).

* When more than one manuscript is cited, put them in chronological order, separated by semicolons.

Example: Public policies must be constantly evaluated by society itself regarding their ethical relationships with the fauna (POCAR, 2013; ARRUDA; FURTADO, 2017; SILVA et al., 2019).

B) Direct Citations: Where exactly equal parts of a given author are taken - ipsis litteris:

* For sections with up to 3 (three) lines, double commas must be inserted at the beginning and end of the section, and the authorship must be in brackets, including last name, year and the page where the transcribed information was taken.

Example: Furtado et al. stated that "the intrinsic relationship existing between human health, animal health, and environmental health, should not be restricted" (FURTADO et al., 2020, p. 45).

* For sections longer than 3 (three) lines, separate with a space above and below the rest of the text, make a 4cm indentation of the left margin, use the double commas at the beginning and end of the sentence, reduce the font size to 11 (eleven), and the authorship should be in brackets, including last name, year and the page where the transcribed information was taken.


“Melhoria das condições ambientais e sanitárias dentro do município a diminuição no volume de lixo que necessita ser aterrado, o aumento da vida útil do aterro, a economia de energia, a economia de matéria-prima virgem. Os benefícios sociais, geração de empregos diretos e indiretos [...]” (GRIPPI, 2001, p. 78).

C) Citation of citation: When using section(s) from a particular author to whom the original manuscript was not available, citing by another author, the expression "apud" must be inserted.

Example[...] dada a promoção da cultura da imagem corporal (HANCOCK et al., 2000 apud BROWN; RANDLE, 2005).

Note: Omission situations, please send an e-mail to the Journal (, or consult the official rules on the site:

-REFERENCES (adapted from ABNT NBR 6023: 2018):

Note: Add the DOI link (with "" prefix + the DOI number) for each reference, whenever possible (in this case, access date is not necessary).

In case the DOI is not available, add the website link, combined with the access date.

Note: All authors of each reference must be mentioned.

A) Scientific articles: Manuscripts published in scientific journals and should be organized as follows: SURNAME(S) AUTHOR(S), AUTHOR INITIAL(S) (if there is more than one author, they should be separated by semicolons). Article Title, Journal Title (in bold), Journal City, Volume, Number (Issue), Pagination, Year. Available from: Doi (preferable) or website link (if no Doi is available). When inserting the website link add also access information: Accessed on: day, month (first three letters.) and year.

Examples: FIREBAUGH, C.M.; BEESON, T.; WOJTYNA, A.; ARBOLEDA, R. Increased PM2.5 levels associated with increased incidence of COVID-19: the Washington wildfires of 2020. Environmental Smoke, João Pessoa, v. 4, n. 2, p. 49–53, 2021. Available from:

- CRONEMBERGER, I.H.G.M.; TEIXEIRA, S.M. Famílias vulneráveis como expressão da questão social e à luz da política de assistência social. Interface - Revista do Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Natal, v. 9, n. 2, p. 92-117, 2013. Available from: Accessed on: 20 Dec. 2020.

B) Books: The books when cited in their entirety must be referenced as follows: AUTHOR(S)' SURNAME(S), AUTHOR(S)' INITIALS (if there is more than one author, they must be separated by semicolons). Book Title (in bold): subtitle (if applicable, not bold). Translation (if translated from another language version). Edition (if applicable). City of publication: Publisher, Year. Available from: Doi (preferable) or website link (if no Doi is available). When inserting the website link add also access information: Accessed on: day, month (first three letters.) and year.

Examples: LANA, P.C.; BERNARDINO, A.F. Brazilian estuaries: A benthic perspective. Brazilian Marine Biodiversity series. Cham: Springer, 2018. Available from:

- COROMINAS, J.; PASCUAL, J.A. Diccionario crítico etimológico castellano e hispánico. Volume 7 de Biblioteca Románica hispánica: Diccionarios. Madrid: Gredos, 1989. Available from: Accessed on: 30 Apr. 2022.

- RICE, E.W.; BAIRD, R.B.; EATON, A.D. (ed.). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 23. ed. Washington: American Public Health Association (APHA) / American Water Works Association (AWWA) / Water Environment Federation (WEF), 2017. Available from: Accessed on: 15 Jan. 2021.

- REDFEARN, R. Schemes of work for Primary languages: Scheme of work Years 3/4. Nottingham: La Jolie Ronde, 2006. Available from: Accessed on: 12 Nov. 2021.

- BREALEY, R.A.; MYERS, S.C.; ALLEN, F. Princípios de Finanças Corporativas. Tradução de Ronald Saraiva de Menezes. 12. ed. Porto Alegre: AMGH Editora, 2018. Available from:,b41934.html. Accessed on: 5 May 2022.

C) Book Chapters: When a section of a given book is referenced, it has the following format: AUTHOR(S)' SURNAME(S), AUTHOR(S)' INITIALS (if it is more than one author, they must be separated by a semicolon). Chapter title. In: LAST NAME(S) OF ORGANIZERS OR EDITORS, BEGINNINGS OF ORGANIZERS OR EDITORS (Org. or Ed.). Title of the Book (in bold): subtitle (if any, not bold). City of publication: Publisher, Year. volume (if applicable), Chapter (if applicable), Pagination. Optional elements (Available from: link from the site. Accessed on: day, month (first three letters.) and year).

Example: GILBERT, K.A.; SETZ, E.Z.F. Primates in a fragmented landscape: six species in central Amazonia. In: BIERREGAARD, R.O.; GASCON, C.; LOVEJOY, T.E.; MESQUITA, R. (Org.). Lessons from Amazonia: ecology and conservation of a fragmented forest. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001. p. 262-270. Available from: Accessed on: 3 Oct. 2020.

D) Conference Proceedings: Publications in Congress, Symposium, Conference, that may be printed and/or electronic. Format: AUTHOR(S)' SURNAME(S), AUTHOR(S)' INITIALS (if there is more than one author, they must be separated by semicolons). Abstract Title. In: NAME OF THE CONFERENCE, Event edition number, Year, City of the event. Name of the Conference Proceeding/Academic Journal (in bold). City of publication: Publisher/Publishing company, Year. Pagination. Optional elements (Available from: link of the site. Accessed on: day, month (first three letters.) and year.).

Examples: MARD-SOLTANI, M.; RASAEE, M.J.; KHALILI, S.; SHEIKHI, A.K.; HEDAYATI, M. ELISA Based hTSH Assessment Using Two Sensitive and Specific Anti-hTSH Polyclonal Antibodies. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 15., 2021, Rome. International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering. Noida: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2018. p. 67-71. Available from:

- SANTOS, M.L.F.; SOUSA, L.H.G.; SILVA NETO, C.F. Análise do uso e ocupação do solo da Área de Proteção Ambiental Tambaba – litoral sul da Paraíba. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO, 15., 2011, Curitiba. Anais [...]. Curitiba: SBSR, 2011. p. 4526-4532. Available from: Accessed on: 13 Jun. 2021.

E) Ph.D./Master's/Bachelor's/Licentiate's Theses, Dissertations, Monographs: They present the following format: AUTHOR(S)' SURNAME(S), AUTHOR(S)' INITIALS (if there is more than one author, they must be separated by semicolons). Thesis Title (in bold): subtitle (if any, not bold). Year of deposit: Number of pages. Thesis (Doctorate/Master's Degree/Graduate in Name of Course) –(en dash) Department/Center, University, City, Year of Defense. Optional elements (Available from: link from the site. Accessed on: day, month (first three letters.) and year).

Examples: LIMA, S.C.S. Propagação vegetativa do Protium spp: Protium heptaphyllum, Protium spruceanum e Protium guacayanum. 2012. 89 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biotecnologia e Recursos Naturais) – Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2012. Available from: Accessed on: 3 Aug. 2020.

- HERNÁNDEZ-KANTÚN, J.J. Taxonomy, molecular biodiversity and ecology of coralline algae (Corallinales: Rhodophyta), with special emphasis on maerl-forming species. 2013. 182 pp. PhD Thesis (Doctor of Philosophy) – National University of Ireland, Galway, 2013. Available from: Accessed on: 15 Jan. 2021.

F) Legislation (Laws, Decrees, Norms): Presents the following format: GOVERNMENTAL LEGISLATIVE ENTITY. Law (with number and date of publication). Epigraph and menu transcribed. Book or Official Gazette/Journal (in bold): City, Volume or equivalent (if applicable), Number or Edition (if applicable), Pagination (if applicable), Effective date of the Law. Available from: link of the site. Accessed on: day, month (first three letters.) and year.

Examples: LEGIFRANCE. Loi n°2002-2 du 2 janvier 2002. Rénovant l'action sociale et médico-sociale. Journal Officiel: Paris, 3 jan. 2002. Available from: Accessed on: 14 Jan. 2021.

SENADO FEDERAL DA REPÚBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL. Projeto de Lei do Senado n° 221, de 2015. Altera a Lei nº 9.795, de 27 de abril de 1999, que "dispõe sobre a educação ambiental, institui a Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental e dá outras providências", para incluir como objetivo fundamental da educação ambiental o estímulo a ações que promovam o uso sustentável dos recursos naturais e a educação ambiental como disciplina específica no ensino fundamental e médio, e a Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996, que fixa as diretrizes e bases da educação, para tornar a educação ambiental disciplina obrigatória. Senado Federal: Brasília, 15 abr. 2015. Available from: Accessed on: 9 Jan. 2021.

G) Websites: AUTHOR(S) or INSTITUTION (acronym and full name). Title of the publication (in bold): subtitle (if applicable, not bold). Year. Available from: link of the site. Accessed on: day, month (first three letters.) and year.

ExamplesRIFVEH (Réseau Internet Francophone Vulnérabilités et Handicaps). Risques de la contention. 2005. Available from: Accessed on: 11 Jan. 2019.

- CFSPH (The Center for Food Security & Public Health). Brucellosis: Brucella canis Contagious Abortion, Undulant Fever. Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics, 2018. Available from: Accessed on: 10 Oct. 2018.

Note: Omission situations, please send an e-mail to the Journal (, or consult the official rules on the site:

Attachments: This topic includes the following items, which must be submitted in separate files:

Table(s): Tables must be submitted in .doc or .docx files. They must contain the indication in the body of the text.

Figure(s): Photographs, drawings, graphics, among others, are considered figures and should be sent in separate files. They must contain the indication in the body of the text. Figures should come in tiff, bmp or jpg format (minimum 300 dpi).

Supplementary Material(s): Complementary files, which can be: raw data from the search, figures and tables that cannot come in the formats specified above, video and audio files, among others.

Note: Appendices captions must come at the end of the manuscript, on a separate page after the References.

2) Short Communications:

The short communications are intended to report research that has advanced to the stage where it is felt that the results should be disseminated in a brief and concise manner (three to five pages). Short communications should contain 1) Abstract, 2) Introduction, 3) Material and Methods, 4) Results and Discussion, and 5) References. Tables and figures may be included, but the length of the text should be proportionally reduced. Manuscripts submitted as articles, but found to conform to these specifications, will be published as short communications from the author's agreement.

After the first screening, the articles will be evaluated by at least two reviewers, being of educational institutions and / or national and international, with proven scientific production. After due corrections and possible suggestions, the article can be accepted or rejected, considering the received revisions.

3) Abstracts:

Manuscripts can be sent in summary format, which is restricted to a single (one) page. It should contain a brief introduction, the purpose of the study, the main methodological approach, the most important findings and the conclusions of the study.

Any questions regarding standards, submission, or translation services, contact us at


Due to the costs necessary to maintain this journal, all accepted articles will be charged a publication fee.

In Brazilian Reais: R$ 200,00 (two hundred)
In Euros: € 100,00 (one hundred)
In Dollars: $ 100.00 (one hundred)
In Yuan: ¥ 500,00 (five hundred)
In Indian Rupee: ₹ 6000,00 (six thousand)

For full articles over 30 pages, an additional fee of 10% of the total value will be charged for every 5 pages in excess. For example, articles with 35 pages, will be charged 220 Reais, or 110 Euros, or 110 Dollars, depending on the payment currency.

In some specific cases, authors may apply for a discount, such as students-of-public-schools-as-the-only-author, authors from poor or developing countries, according to OCDE, World Bank, EIFL criteria, and others. Nonetheless, the discount is not guaranteed.
For any questions please contact the Editorial Team:

All manuscripts published in this journal are open to the readers.


This section is for the submission of digital books, which will be published in format 'E-book'.

Privacy Statement

Names and addresses disclosed on this website will be used exclusively for the services provided by this journal and are not available for other purposes.