IV Semana Oceânica: One Ocean, One Climate, One Future - Together
2024The purpose of Semana Oceânica PB is to create a space for collaborative dialogue between municipalities, the private sector, organised civil society and academia around the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, as well as to promote Ocean Culture on the MAR of Paraíba.
In our 4th edition - IV SOPB - considering the theme established by the United Nations Organisation for Ocean Day -
Field ecology: Atlantic Forest Biome, coastal and marine environments
2024In this compilation, you will find the activities, ecological studies and experiences during the Field Ecology course, offered annually by the Graduate Program in Ecology and Environmental Monitoring (PPGEMA, UFPB, Brazil).
XI Iberian Symposium on the Hydrographic Minho River Basin
No. Special Issue (2024) -
III "Semana Oceânica PB" - Planet Ocean: the tides are changing!
2023The theme of the III "Semana Oceânica PB" (III SOPB) was “Planet Ocean: the tides are changing”, taking into account the theme established by the United Nations (UN) in reference to Ocean Day. The event took place in person, in the municipalities of João Pessoa, Cabedelo, Lucena and Conde, with intermittent activities from June 7 to 18, 2023.
We said goodbye to this third year with talks, themed exhibitions, paddling with reef hugging, beach cleaning, a visit to a Brazilian Navy vessel, in short... an event full of ocean culture! -
X Iberian Symposium on the Hydrographic Minho River Basin
No. Special Issue (2021)