Artificial substrate, Biofouling, Carijoidae, Estuary, Invasive speciesResumo
This study recorded, for the first time, the presence of the azooxanthellate colonial octocoral Carijoa riisei (Carijoidae) in the state of Sergipe, Brazil. In September 2021, colonies of C. riisei were observed attached to a floating pier in the estuary of the Vaza-Barris River, in the central region of the Sergipe coastline. These colonies were photographed in situ and collected for confirmation of their morphological identification in the laboratory. Our results represent the first recorded occurrence of Carijoa riisei in the state of Sergipe and contribute to filling a gap in the species distribution along the Brazilian coast. Future studies are necessary to assess the potential impacts of C. riisei on local ecosystems and understand the role of artificial substrates in the dispersal of invasive species.
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