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Juggling as art, were always present in the history of the development of human civilization in the course of the centuries. This practice, actually has occupied the street spaces, thus various other arts. In this point, the circus arts and juggling specifically, had to reinvent and adapt to the new social realities, using the traffic lights as showcase and workplace. The street, understood as a place of insecurities and risks, emerge for the artists as a perfect stage to allow access to all individuals of the population independent of class, race or gender. In this way street art, especially juggling in the traffic light, has been gaining more and more space within cities. This study sought to get a better understand about the practice of juggling in the traffic light, approached from economic, cultural and social perspectives. This practice increasingly present in urban territory, present few scientific studies and limited knowledge and attention of the academic community. In pursuit of this understanding, was used content analysis, quantitative and qualitative perspective of the bibliographic collection selected. It was possible to observe the academy's perspective on this activity, which mostly opted for a socio-economic approach. The researchers' perception of juggling at traffic lights as art also had significant expression of the collection studied, in which the activity is analyzed from an internal perception, as participating observers. Finally, the topic ‘backpackers’ with the lowest representativeness in the analyzed bibliographic material, in which is observed the existent relationship between this group and the studied activity.Downloads
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