The present article consists in an experience report of teaching practice, accomplished through developped actions in a teachers Continiuing Education Program in an Technical School and Faculty DAMA, located in Canoinhas town, Santa Catarina. The goal this work was analysed the strategies based the active methodologies used in a teachers Continiuing Education Program in the IE DAMA in first semestre 2021. The approach will be accomplished through activities examples developped with the teachers during teachers meeting. And to get feedback about the participation during pedagogical training, a research was carried out using the qualitative method with the range of reports from teachers who effectively participated in the Program. The collection of information and reports were carried out through the use of active methodologies, questionnaire, via Google Forms. Through the tabulation of the results of the total 32 teachers participating in the research, 87.5% highlighted that they frequently use the active methodologies practiced during the meetings, in their classes. However, 65.6% of the interviewed teachers requested the continuity of training courses that present active methodologies with periodic training. Morán (2015), Barbosa and Moura (2013), Berbel (2011); and Oliveira (2017), supported the discussions on the theme, as innovative teaching-learning processes. The conclusion of this experience is that there have been advances in the didactic planning of teachers and there is frequent inclusion of active methodologies in teaching practices. However, there are still challenges highlighted by them, for the implementation of teaching strategies that can be overcome with the continuity of training focused on active and participatory strategies.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rosimari de Fatima Cubas Blaka; Andreia de Bem Machado
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