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Agropecuary, Conventional, AgroecosystemAbstract
Nowadays, the world's agriculture and livestock is undergoing transformations, where the population's appeal for an agricultural activity based on a more ecological basis is increasing giving a better quality of life to all involved, a technique that can be defined as a science, with a multidisciplinary character that has concepts, principles and methodologies, which serves to analyze and evaluate agroecosystems. Thus, in order to focus on the field reality of the rural area of the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba, located in the southern coastal area, a research was developed between properties that use the two systems of agriculture, using for that purpose the bibliographic review, qualitative research and participant observation. In the end of this work, it was observed that family traditions and the rapid return of investments in the field with the conventional agriculture and livestock hindered the implementation of a more agro-ecosystem activity which leads the extension agents to extend their work and extension techniques.Downloads
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