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Improper handling of carcasses, Contaminated water reservoirs, Dairy cowsAbstract
Botulism is an intoxication caused by the ingestion of a neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, an anaerobic, Gram-positive bacteria which can sporulate in adverse conditions. This work intends to report a surge of botulism in the city of União dos Palmares, Alagoas, Brazil, which occurred in an area of milk cows with 45 animals, 14 of which had died, showing signs of weakness of the hind limbs, and in 4 cases evolved over a period of 30 days, some with profuse, brownish-green, foul-smelling diarrhea, aside from progressive weight loss. An autopsy was performed on one of the sick animals, of which no significant lesions were observed. Samples of intestinal contents were collected and centrifuged to remove supernatant and later the biological test, inoculation of mice, was performed. This test confirmed the outbreak of the disease on the property studied. Clostridium botulinum was present on the property studied, causing the outbreak of botulism. The main factor initiating the appearance of the surge was the inadequate handling of carcasses and the presence of contaminated water reservoirs. The laboratory diagnosis was of great importance in verifying a clinical suspicion.Downloads
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