III Semana Oceânica PB
Planet Ocean: the tides are changing
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Marine biodiversity, Coastal ecology, Seas, Oceans, Paraíba (State), Environmental aspects, Environmental sustainability, Ocean cultureAbstract
The theme of the III Semana Oceânica PB (III SOPB) was “Planet Ocean: the tides are changing”, taking into account the theme established by the United Nations (UN) in reference to Ocean Day. The event took place in person, in the municipalities of João Pessoa, Cabedelo, Lucena and Conde, with intermittent activities from June 7 to 18, 2023.
The III SOPB is an initiative of the institutions (InPact and Associação Guajiru), in partnership with various entities from the public and private sectors and organized civil society. Its purpose is to create a space for collaborative dialogue between municipalities, the private sector, organized civil society and academia around the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, as well as to promote Ocean Literacy on the Paraiba sea.
In addition to the Sistema de Monitoramento da Fauna Marinha Paraibana (SISFAUMAR) - https://sisfaumar.com - we sought to promote new actions for the conservation of the coastal and marine environment, presenting to Paraiba society the Limpa Mar project by the Associação Guajiru and the Programa Estratégico de Estruturas Artificiais Marinhas da Paraíba (PREAMAR-PB).
We said goodbye to this third year with talks, themed exhibitions, paddling with reef hugging, beach cleaning, a visit to a Brazilian Navy vessel, in short... an event full of ocean culture!
Massei, K.; Oliveira, D.S.B.; Santos, H.; Gomes, C.D.; Jurema, L.B.; Natividade, C.D.; Yuri, H.; Occhi, I.; Ferreira, R. (2021). I Semana Oceânica PB "Bases para Cultura Oceânica na Paraíba". João Pessoa: Environmental Smoke Institute, 1. ed., 36p. Available from: https://doi.org/10.32435/envsmoke.20211136p DOI: https://doi.org/10.32435/envsmoke.20211136p

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Copyright (c) 2024 Karina Massei, Danielle Siqueira Barrêto de Oliveira, Thallys Araújo da Silva, Thaís de Fátima Cavalcante Teixeira, João Marcelo Gouveia de Melo Monteiro, Rogério dos Santos Ferreira, Claudio Dybas da Natividade, Marceu Oliveira Adissi, Carlos Alberto Cavalcanti Soares, Victor Alencar Mayer Feitosa Andrade Ventura , Alessandra Gomes Lontra, Ivan Occhi, Janio dos Santos Nascimento Junior dos Santos Nascimento Junior, Willma Araújo do Nascimento , Luiz Alberto de Souza Araújo, Margarida Alcoforado Furquim, Patrícia Aguiar de Oliveira, Carlos Frederico Chrockatt de Sá Marques , Maria Cecilia Silva Souza, Larissa Fernandes de Lavor

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