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Environmental Education, Technical Comprehensive Citizen School, Environmental Practices, PNEAAbstract
This work sought to present how Environmental Education is presented in the didactic pedagogical activities of ECIT João Roberto Borges de Souza, according to the Resolution CNE/CP nº. 2/2012 that establishes National Curriculum Guidelines for Environmental Education. It is important to highlight that the insertion of the environmental issue in the curricula of basic education schools has been recommended by several factors that contributed to public policies in Brazil, among them the National Policy for the Environment (PNMA), the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education (LDBEN), the National Curricular Parameters (PCN), and also the National Policy for Environmental Education (PNEA). Through exploratory research of qualitative nature with descriptive and explanatory analysis, it was possible to observe from the document analysis that the school partially complies with the resolution. Based on the institutional documents analyzed, only two subjects presented contents that meet the National Policy for Environmental Education. As for the Political Pedagogical Project (PPP), the school makes no mention in this document of activities, projects, practices and actions with environmental issues. Therefore, it is necessary to build informal and formal educational processes, using dynamic and relevant tools and materials, with the ability to enable an Environmental Education process that enables changes in habits and customs compatible with the needs of communities, as recommended by the World Conferences on Environment.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ary Gustavo da Silva Cesar, Fernanda Tomassoni, Edilson Pontarolo

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