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Fat, Diet, Disease, Canine, Risk factors


The aim of this study was to identify the clinical, epidemiologic and laboratorial aspects of dogs with obesity and its possible correlation with other diseases. A total of 30 dogs were studied. Of these, 15 were obese and 15 were not. On the Control Group, there was a total of 10 females (5 neutered and 5 whole) and 5 males (all 5 neutered). On the Obese Group, 11 females (7 neutered and 4 whole) and 4 males (all 4 neutered). The tutors received a form with 12 questions about food management and physical activity, as well as pharmacological and family history. In addition, venous blood samples were collected in animals from both the Control Group and the Obese Group for a Complete Blood Count and dosage of biochemical levels (Alanine Aminotransferase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Albumin, Total Proteins, Urea, Creatinine). Measurements from the abdominal perimeter were taken and using the data the body fat percentage was calculated; an Electrocardiographic evaluation (ECG) was also made, along with the measurement of the systolic, diastolic and medium blood pressure (SBP, DBP and MAP, respectively) and heart rate (HR). The numeric data was submitted under the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by the Tukey’s Test (p<0,05), while the data regarding risk factors was analyzed on a descriptive manner. In both groups, mixed-breed dogs had a significant predominance, about 9 (60%) on the CG and 7 (46,66%) in the Obese Group. Concerning food management, 12 (80%) of the subjects of the Control Group were fed at will and 3 (20%) once a day; the numbers on the use of only pet food, pet food coupled with homemade food, and only homemade food were, respectively, 10 (66,6%), 4 (26,6%) and 1 (6,8%). Also, 11 (73,3%) had frequent physical activities, while the other 4 (26,7%) only occasionally. Additionally, 12 (80%) stayed at the backyard, while 3 (20%) lived in an apartment. There was not any relevant data relating to pharmacological and family history and, according to tutors’ opinions, their dogs were within the ideal weight. On the Obese Group, 8 (53,5%) were fed at will, 5 (33,3%) were fed on a strict and controlled manner, and 2 (13,3%) one time a day, while 9 (60%) of them were given both pet food and homemade food, 5 (33,3%) received only pet food and 1 (6,7%) received pet food sachets and fruit. In this group, 9 (60%) were out, 15 did not practice any type of physical activity, while 3 (20%) practiced frequently and the other 3 (20%) walked occasionally. There were 5 patients (33,3%) with a history of corticosteroid use, and 7 (46,7%) had a family history of obesity. Regarding tutors’ opinions on their pet’s weight, on whether they thought their pet was too thin, on ideal weight, overweight or obese, the data showed, respectively, 2 (13,3%), 4 (26,7%), 8 (53,3%) and 1 (6,7%). The percentage of fat on the Control Group for males and females was, respectively, 18,7 ± 2,2; 22 ± 3, while the abdominal circumference was of 63 ± 20 cm. On subjects from the Obese Group, the values were 40,4 ± 5; 45 ± 4,7 and 65 ± 16,8 cm, respectively. On laboratory exams, the Complete Blood Control did not show any inconsistencies with the normal range and the ALB and FAL were elevated on the Obese Group. The ECG did not show any notable changes. Both groups showed a slight increase in PAS (Control Group = 141 ± 27,72 mmHg; Obese Group = 142 ± 17,23 mmHg), and on the obese animals a raise in PAD (84 ± 22 mmHg) was also recorded. Obesity is a chronical disease that brings a series of bad consequences to the animal well-being, especially the appearance of systemic diseases; the main risk factor for its appearance is incorrect food management and low or nonphysical activity. The main way to prevent the disease is by the correct management of both factors.


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Author Biographies

Darla Barboza Da Silva, Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Patos, Brazil

Veterinarian, Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Patos, Brazil

Martin Lindsey Christoffersen, Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), João Pessoa, Brazil

Full Professor, Department of Systematics and Ecology (DSE), Center of Exact and Nature Sciences (CCEN), Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil

Almir Pereira De Souza, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), Center of Health and Rural Technology, Veterinary Medicine Academic Unit, Patos, Brazil

Veterinarian, Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Patos, Brazil (1989). Master in Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa, Brazil. Ph.D. in Veterinary Surgery, Paulista State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP), São Paulo, Brazil. Post-Doctor, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal


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