This interdisciplinary research has the playful art as a tool to raise awareness about the conservation of sharks and the environmental health of the Ocean, in addition to the search for the demystification of some concepts bringing to light the biological and ecological importance that this emblematic group represents for the natural balance of the Blue Planet. In the months of June and July 2018 at the visiting aquarium in Paraíba, a space for the propagation of non-formal environmental education, it was sought through the theatrical play "Swimming in Safety, a Sea of Hope" to apply the way of doing and teaching the concepts of sustainability and environmental preservation since the choice of the team, the actors and scenographic materials. Through exploratory and participant research, photographic and video records, we investigated the reactions of the audience before, during and after the play. The evaluation process was permanent in order to make constant improvements. The play tried to highlight not only information about the characteristics and importance of preserving sharks, but also the main threats such as the practice of finning, which through a plot between the pirate and the shark and the echinoderms, it was possible to explain the defence systems that each being has, all of which are important, showing that sharks are worth much more alive than dead. The expertise and performance of artistic activities such as juggling, magic and balance contributed to the success of the play. The results prove that this type of multidisciplinary experience, which promotes learning through enchantment, should be encouraged because it will certainly constitute a basis for future attitudes, especially in children, since they will feel encouraged to protect nature, according to the premises of the Decade of Oceanic Science and Ecological Restoration.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2021 Karina Massei, Carlos Alberto Isaza Valencia , Ana Carolina Assis Sampaio, Rogério dos Santos Ferreira, Christinne Costa Eloy
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The copyright for manuscripts published in Environmental Smoke belongs to the author, with first publication rights for the journal. The published articles are of total and exclusive responsibility of the authors.