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Ecology. Environmental monitoring. Health units. Hospital management. Environment and Health.


Environmental awareness is emerging in society, and with this, managers, commercial activities, institutions and health services are no different, especially when there are legal environmental requirements related to monitoring and mandatory environmental management for its operation. This fact makes professions linked to environmental monitoring essential for carrying out these jobs in these services. Therefore, the objective of this study is to elucidate the participation of the ecologist working professionally in health services, more specifically in hospital units. The study is characterized as a qualitative research, it does not intend to achieve what is right or wrong, only to understand the reality of its actions and transformations. It was noticed that a hospital management signals as benefits for management the performance of the ecological professional, mainly in the development of actions on environmental issues: Waste from Health Services RSS, preparation of the Health Waste Management plan, monitoring of water quality, monitoring and control of pests and insects, assistance in epidemiological surveillance actions and monitoring and control of hospital infections, composting projects, recycling projects, solidarity economy, and continuing education actions such as training on RSS and biosafety, all of which are fundamental to fostering sustainability within the hospital environment. Considering this, the performance of the ecology professional in health units, innovative in hospital units, this can be an aggregator to the interdisciplinary model to seek environmental improvements considered complex, but that achieve a successfully hospital environmental management.



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How to Cite

Barbosa Filho, W. G., Diniz dos Santos, G., José Gonçalves, D. ., Alves dos Santos, A. ., & Costa Teodózio, G. (2021). ECOLOGIST’S PERFORMANCE IN THE HEALTH SERVICE: HOSPITAL UNITS. Environmental Smoke, 4(2), 1–6.



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