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Diagnósticos de infecções; Infecção adquirida; Infecção em Crianças.Abstract
Community infection, despite not being a major concern for health agencies, is a major concern for hospitals, as it can be a risk to already frail patients who come to health services. Therefore, the present study intends to describe the clinical profile and the prevalence of community infections of children residing in Vale do Mamanguape – PB, who were admitted to the pediatrics at the Hospital Geral de Mamanguape – PB. The methodology is a retrospective, exploratory, descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Data were extracted from electronic and printed medical records of children hospitalized for a period of more than 24 hours, between the months of January 2016 to October 2017, in the pediatric sector of the hospital. The sample included 711 children, of both sexes, aged from 0 to 15 years. The diagnosis of community infection was based on filling out the medical record, in the fields: reason for admission and anamnesis. Data were submitted to the R software, where descriptive and inferential data analysis was performed. In the inferential analysis, the non-parametric Pearson's Chi-Square Test was applied in order to verify the correlation between the dependent variable and the factor variables. Thus, it was observed that 83.5% children were hospitalized for some type of community infection and 16.5% were hospitalized with no infection, the average number of hospitalization days was 4.94 days 44.5% of the children hospitalized were from the municipality of Mamanguape and 55.3% from the other municipalities that make up the Vale do Mamanguape. The most frequent infections were of the respiratory tract 47.11% and gastroenteritis 14.3%. Male children spent more days in hospital than female children with p-value=0.020. It can be concluded that community infections are the most common causes of hospitalization in pediatrics at the Hospital Geral de Mamanguape-PB, respiratory tract infections are the most common in children living in Vale do Mamanguape.
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