About the Journal

Environmental Smoke (ES Journal) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal focusing on Environmental Sciences and related topics, involving the interrelationship of the human being and the environment.

Other topics: Environmental/Biological Sciences, Humanities, Exact Sciences, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Integrative Studies, Cross-cutting themes, among others.

Before submitting, please consult the Guidelines for Authors.

The name of this journal refers to the smoke emitted by an erupting volcano, in which gases represent knowledge (in all areas), which spread throughout the world globe to the entire society.

Mission: To broaden scientific knowledge within an interdisciplinary approach, by bringing together not only the scientific community but also all of society around the theme of the relationship of the environment with humanity.

The journal Environmental Smoke follows Sustainable Development Goals #4 (Quality Education), #5 (Gender Equality), #10 (Reduced Inequalities), #13 (Climate Action), #16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) and #17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Environmental Smoke Institute is the non-profit official publisher of this journal.

This journal is B1 for Qualis/Capes/Brazil. Check on the Sucupira Platform.

Manuscripts should be submitted only in English language, and may be submitted at any time of the year. Click on Guidelines for authors for accessing the rules of manuscripts presentation and format, as well as the fees/charges for authors. Each manuscript (Full Articles, Short Communications, Abstracts) has an exclusive DOI (Digital Object Identifier), registered on the Crossref website.

-For special editions (supervised by a guest editor), additional languages may be applied, for example Portuguese, Spanish, French, Chinese.

NOTE: All authors must provide, within the journal workflow system, the ORCID link, the international personal digital identifier of researchers.

Publication period: Throughout the year, with continuous publication, in which accepted articles are available online after the review process has been finalised.

The webiste was developed through the Open Journal Systems/Public Knowledge Project (OJS/PKP).

If you would like to be a funder/maintainer of this journal, please contact us via email or phone by going to the Contact tab.

Current Issue

Vol. 8 (2025)
					View Vol. 8 (2025)
Published: 2025-03-22

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