Volume 5, Issue 3, p. 13-33, December 2022
Doi: https://doi.org/10.32435/envsmoke.2022513-33
Environmental Smoke, e-ISSN:
“5 years spreading quality
science to all who seek a source of interdisciplinary knowledge”
Darla Barboza da
Silva1* (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3529-2181); Martin
Lindsey Christoffersen2 (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8108-1938); Almir
Pereira De Souza3 (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8587-5724)
1Veterinary Medicine, UFCG – Federal
University of Campina Grande, Patos, Paraíba, Brazil
2UFPB – Federal University of Paraíba, DSE – Department of Systematics and
Ecology, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil
UFPB – Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil. Master in
Veterinary Medicine, UFV – Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil. Ph.D.
in Veterinary Surgery, UNESP – Paulista State University “Júlio de Mesquita
Filho”, Brazil. Post-Doctor, UTAD – University of Trás-os-Montes
and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
*Corresponding author: darla.silva2@hotmail.com
on: 7 Nov. 2022
on: 20 Dec. 2022
on: 31 Dec. 2022
The aim of this study was to identify the
clinical, epidemiologic and laboratorial aspects of
dogs with obesity and its possible correlation with other diseases. A total of
30 dogs were studied. Of these, 15 were obese and 15 were not. On the Control
Group, there was a total of 10 females (5 neutered and 5 whole) and 5 males
(all 5 neutered). On the Obese Group, 11 females (7 neutered and 4 whole) and 4
males (all 4 neutered). The tutors received a form with 12 questions about food
management and physical activity, as well as pharmacological and family
history. In addition, venous blood samples were collected in animals from both
the Control Group and the Obese Group for a Complete Blood Count and dosage of
biochemical levels (Alanine Aminotransferase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Albumin,
Total Proteins, Urea, Creatinine). Measurements from the abdominal perimeter
were taken and using the data the body fat percentage was calculated; an
Electrocardiographic evaluation (ECG) was also made, along with the measurement
of the systolic, diastolic and medium blood pressure
(SBP, DBP and MAP, respectively) and heart rate (HR). The numeric data was
submitted under the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by the Tukey’s Test
(p<0.05), while the data regarding risk factors was analyzed on a
descriptive manner. In both groups, mixed-breed dogs had a significant
predominance, about 9 (60%) on the CG and 7 (46.66%) in the Obese Group.
Concerning food management, 12 (80%) of the subjects of the Control Group were
fed at will and 3 (20%) once a day; the numbers on the use of only pet food,
pet food coupled with homemade food, and only homemade food were, respectively,
10 (66.6%), 4 (26.6%) and 1 (6.8%). Also, 11 (73.3%) had frequent physical
activities, while the other 4 (26.7%) only occasionally. Additionally, 12 (80%)
stayed at the backyard, while 3 (20%) lived in an apartment. There was not any
relevant data relating to pharmacological and family history and, according to
tutors’ opinions, their dogs were within the ideal weight. On the Obese Group,
8 (53.5%) were fed at will, 5 (33.3%) were fed on a strict and controlled
manner, and 2 (13.3%) one time a day, while 9 (60%) of them were given both pet
food and homemade food, 5 (33.3%) received only pet food and 1 (6.7%) received pet
food sachets and fruit. In this group, 9 (60%) were out, 15 did not practice
any type of physical activity, while 3 (20%) practiced frequently and the other
3 (20%) walked occasionally. There were 5 patients (33.3%) with a history of
corticosteroid use, and 7 (46.7%) had a family history of obesity. Regarding
tutors’ opinions on their pet’s weight, on whether they thought their pet was
too thin, on ideal weight, overweight or obese, the data showed, respectively,
2 (13.3%), 4 (26.7%), 8 (53.3%) and 1 (6.7%). The percentage of fat on the
Control Group for males and females was, respectively, 18.7 ± 2.2; 22 ± 3,
while the abdominal circumference was of 63 ± 20 cm. On subjects from the Obese
Group, the values were 40.4 ± 5; 45 ± 4.7 and 65 ± 16.8 cm, respectively. On
laboratory exams, the Complete Blood Control did not show any inconsistencies
with the normal range and the ALB and FAL were elevated on the Obese Group. The
ECG did not show any notable changes. Both groups showed a slight increase in
PAS (Control Group = 141 ± 27.72 mmHg; Obese Group = 142 ± 17.23 mmHg), and on
the obese animals a raise in PAD (84 ± 22 mmHg) was also recorded. Obesity is a
chronical disease that brings a series of bad consequences to the animal
well-being, especially the appearance of systemic diseases; the main risk
factor for its appearance is incorrect food management and low or nonphysical
activity. The main way to prevent the disease is by the correct management of
both factors.
Fat. Diet. Disease. Canine. Risk factors.
1 Introduction
Canine obesity is a
pathological condition having physical and organic consequences caused by an
excessive increase in weight and corporeal dimensions. The condition is
triggered by changes in feeding, as a consequence of alterations in life
conditions. Such alterations are due to a closer proximity with the tutor of
the dog. Animals that were primitively carnivorous become omnivorous, with the
inclusion of industrialized snacks and treats intended for human consumption,
that are inadequate for the health of the animal. Industrialized rations of
questionable quality become the main food offered to dogs, often having a, high content of salt, carbohydrates, and fat. Such
inadequate feeding becomes associated with other factors, such as lack of
control of the quantity of calories ingested and sedentarism. Under these
conditions the animals tend to gain weight. This predisposes individuals to
illnesses causing serious damage to health and to quality of life, and thus
impairing the longevity of the dog.
Other non-nutritional
factors are also indirectly responsible for weight gain, mainly factors related
to race, sex, age, use of certain medications and endocrine disorders. These
characteristics are responsible for causing changes and consequent decrease in
metabolism. This decrease harms the anabolism and catabolism process of the
animal organism. The body working more slowly causes weight gain and, in
extreme cases, obesity.
Some body
transformations resulting from obesity may originate several systemic
illnesses. The morbidity condition is aggravated by conditions such as diabetes
mellitus, hyperlipidemia, skin diseases, neoplasms, cardiovascular diseases
such as arterial hypertension, orthopedic problems, and reproductive changes.
This study aims to
identify and evaluate clinical, epidemiological and
laboratorial aspects of obesity in dogs from the city of Patos, Paraíba. Canine
patients received medical care at University Veterinary Hospital Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa,
of the Federal University of Campina Grande, and at Veterinary Center PetBem, located in the city of Patos, Paraíba. The physical
condition of dogs was correlated to systemic illnesses that could compromise
the well-being and quality of life of the animal.
2 Literature Review
2.1. Obesity in small animals
Obesity is
a multifactorial illness, the various causes being termed risk factors. These
are pathological or physiological conditions that predispose the organism to
metabolic alterations such as excess storage or reduction of catabolism.
prevails in animals confined to apartments, with few options for physical
activity, and in elderly animals, when compared to active and younger animals
(BLANCA, 2017). Furthermore, small and medium-sized
races, such as Cocker Spaniel, Dachshund, Pug, Chihuahua, Schnauzer Miniature
and Poodle, are more predisposed to become obese (CASE et al., 2000; GUIMARÃES;
TUDURY, 2006; APTEKMANN et al., 2014). Animals of larger size, such as
Rottweiler, Golden and Labrador Retriever, according to the same authors, are
also predisposed towards becoming obese in some of their life stages.
(2018) noted that an animal is only clinically considered as being obese when
its weight exceeds the ideal for its race by at least 15%. As with human
beings, obesity in companion animals is one of the most common nutritional
illnesses observed. It is related to a positive energetic balance, that is,
when the animal consumes more calories than it expends. This causes an
excessive accumulation of calories, and a consequent gain in weight. The quantity
of food offered to the animal is thus directly linked to mechanisms of positive
and negative energetic balance (BACKUS and WARA, 2016; DEBASTIANI, 2018).
Silva et
al. (2017) indicate that the identification of an obese animal is made by
detecting excess of subcutaneous fat and silhouette loss. Such characteristics
are related to the daily composition and frequency of eating, amount of
physical activity, sex, race, age, among other factors related mainly to the
routines established by the animal tutor (BRUNETTO et al., 2011; APTEKMANN et
al., 2014; SILVA et al., 2017; GOUVÊA et al., 2018).
becomes a matter of concern, because dog owners tend to underestimate obesity,
believing that their overweight pet is at its ideal weight, when not considered
as underweight (LARSEN; VILLAVERDE, 2016; GOUVÊA et al., 2018). Another factor
to be considered is the human culture of aesthetics, in which a high weight in
animals is valued, being considered a measure of beauty and good life (BACKUS;
WARA, 2016). As a consequence of excessive weight gain, the animal develops
secondary physical and organic problems, such as skin diseases, mobility
limitations, mainly articular, respiratory, endocrine, cardiovascular, and
neoplastic ailments (BRUNETTO et al., 2011; DEBASTIANI, 2018).
2.1. Obesity in small animals
weight increase produces many metabolic alterations (OLIVEIRA; ZIMMERMANN,
2016; SANTOS, 2017). According to the listed authors, these changes reduce life
span and worsen quality of life. Causes for weight increase are multifactorial,
including prolonged periods of use of drugs, such as steroids, changes in the
endocrine system, castration, sex, race, heredity, genetical factors, handling
errors, among others.
2.2.1 Food management
factors of risk are involved, but the main factor causing obesity in dogs is
attributed to errors in food management. Such errors often include providing
rations of poor quality, giving food above the caloric necessity of the
individual, and providing excessive food intended for human consumption, which
is usually highly caloric (HALFEN et al., 2017). Furthermore, the palatability
of the foods listed above act directly on weight increase, stimulating animals
to east more, with stimuli from the hypothalamus. These food items are often
rich is starch and fat, favoring the increase in weight, mainly when the animal
already has a sedentary way of life. Under these conditions, size and frequency
of meals becomes the decisive factor (CARCIOFI, 2005).
2.2.2 Sedentarism
represents a change in the original lifestyle of the dog and represents an
adaptation to the lifestyle of its tutor (RIBEIRO; SOUZA, 2017). Under the
evolutionary process of domestication, dogs gradually lost the habit of
hunting, adopting home life in order to live
intimately with their human owners. Such sedentarism causes an imbalance in the
proportion of ingested and consumed calories, which favors a positive energetic
balance and, consequently, obesity (PEREIRA NETO, 2009; SILVA et al., 2017;
2.2.3 Genetic and
hereditary factors
and Souza (2017) found that genetic and hereditary factors are responsible for
the predisposition to develop ailments. Genome variations in different regions
influence metabolites responsible for the storage of adipose tissue (TOLL et
al., 2010).
It is
usual to encounter clinical cases of obesity in animals belonging to several
sizes and races, but predominating among smaller
animals. Studies correlating obesity with race depend on where the research is
conducted, because different races predominate in different regions. Such
variability may mask or bias results. Aptekmann et
al. (2014) found that 28% of dogs diagnosed as obese in Brazil did not belong
to specific races. On the other hand, a similar study conducted by Colliard et
al. (2006) in France found that 67% of cases of obesity belonged to some pure
race, predominating in the race Labrador.
hormones act directly in diminishing or increasing metabolism. Non-castrated
females have a lower metabolic rate than males. Debastiani (2018) found that
young animals have a faster metabolism than more elderly dogs, which makes
senior dogs more predisposed to develop obesity.
2.2.4 Castration
animals are more predisposed to develop clinical obesity than non-neutered
ones. This is due to the decrease in basal metabolic rate, caused by the
inhibition of sex hormones. This causes an occasional increase in sedentary
lifestyle and appetite, and, consequently, stimulates a greater food
consumption (RIBEIRO; SOUZA, 2017; PONTES et al. 2018). Metabolic reduction
associated with castration is more commonly seen in females. Estrogen functions
as an appetite inhibitor in normal animals (Debastiani, 2018).
2.2.5 Endocrinopathies
The most
common endocrinopathies related to obesity in the clinic are hypothyroidism and
hyperadrenocorticism. Hypothyroidism, an illness characterized by a low
secretion of hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) by the thyroid
gland, may be of primary, or idiopathic, secondary, or tertiary origin. Less
commonly, cases of neoplastic processes are encountered (CARCIOFI, 2005;
T3 and T4, and mainly T4, act on all metabolic processes of the organism,
mainly on the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. A considerable
portion of animals diagnosed with hypothyroidism are overweight, due to a low
use of energy. Metabolism is low, without polyphagia (MONTANHA; LOPES, 2011;
RAMOS, 2017).
(HAC), also known as Cushing Syndrome, is another endocrine very common illness
in dogs. It is caused by chronic exposition to corticoids, either by an
imbalance increasing its endogenous production, or by an iatrogenic
administration of glucocorticoids (BENEDITO; ROSSI; CAMARGO, 2017).
endogenous production is caused by pituitary or adrenal changes, that entail
unruly and independent production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and
cortisol (ANTÔNIO; SANCHES, 2017). Research by Moura (2015) indicated that HAC
is more common in dogs of small size of the races Yorkshire, Caniche Anão and Dachshund.
The change
in the circulation of glucocorticoids alters the process of synthesis, storage and catabolism f carbohydrates, as well as
stimulating the redistribution of fats in tissues and abdominal deposition
(ANTÔNIO; SANCHES, 2017; MOURA, 2015).
2.2.6 Pharmacological
Some drugs
are responsible for causing metabolic changes that favor the gain in weight.
The drugs best known for these effects are the steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs or glucocorticoids, that are also produced endogenously by the adrenal
glands. The glucocorticoids have hyperglycemic and hyperinsulinemia effect, and
their prolonged use acts on the hypothalamus and adenohypophysis, inhibiting
the endogenous secretion of glucocorticoids. The glucocorticoids are
substituted and suppressed and supplied in an unbalanced way by remedies
a group of drugs widely used in medical clinics, are also responsible for
inducing increase in weight in animals, mainly because they induce polyphagia,
the indiscriminate ingestion of food (SILVA et al., 2019).
2.3 Main complications
to Brunetto et al. (2011) and Debastiani (2018), all
transformations caused to the organism as a consequence of
obesity end by causing several illnesses of a systemic nature. Morbidity
becomes enhanced by ailments such as cardiovascular alterations, insulin
resistance, hyperlipidemia, articular and respiratory alterations, reproductive
failings, appearance of neoplasia, and changes affecting the urinary tract
(PACKER et al., 2013; MARCHI et al., 2016; SANTOS, 2017; SILVA et al., 2017).
2.3.1 Cardiovascular
The most commonly observed cardiovascular alteration in animals
is arterial hypertension. The obese animal may develop cardiac autonomic
neuropathy, a chronic illness in which an imbalance in the sympathetic and
parasympathetic impulses of the autonomous nervous system of the heart occurs.
Such an imbalance may produce a reduction in the parasympathetic tonus, and
consequently induce the increase in the sympathetic tonus, provoking an
increase in the cardiac frequency and, secondarily, an increase in the arterial
pressure. Furthermore, an elevated secretion of angiotensinogen by the
adipocytes promotes an elevation of angiotensin II, that acts directly on the
kidneys. This promotes an increase in arterial pressure (CRANDALL et al., 1994;
KLEIN et al., 2004; MARCHI et al., 2016).
2.3.2 Insulin resistance
One of the
most important findings of research on the organic changes triggered by obesity
is the fact that adipose tissue secretes adipokines, which act in various
mechanisms of the body.
these, are the processes of energy balance regulation and insulin sensitivity
modulation, characterizing resistance conditions. These conditions are marked
by persistent hyperglycemia, at the same time that
there are high concentrations of insulin in the bloodstream. In Other words,
despite the production of insulin, the cells are not able to respond to it
correctly (MARCHI et al., 2016; SANTOS, 2016; SANTOS, 2017).
elevated concentrations, the adipokines promote a great systemic impact.
Adipokines participate in many physiological processes, such as the regulation
of lipid and glycemic metabolism. They interfere in insulin sensitivity and are
directly related to inflammatory processes.
also predisposes the organism to developing diabetes mellitus. It affects
glucose transporters in cell membranes and reduces the sensibility of cell
receptors for the hormone insulin (JERICÓ; KOGIKA; ANDRADE NETO, 2015). Obesity
can thus be considered an illness of low intensity, of a chronic inflammatory
character, associated to resistance to the action of insulin, and to
hyperglycemia. It thus represents a metabolic syndrome (SANTOS, 2017).
2.3.3 Hyperlipidemia
to Peixoto et al. (2010), lipid disorders are quite common in veterinary
medical routine, especially in dogs. Among many factors, hyperlipidemia is a
consequence of pre-established systemic imbalances, such as obesity. An
increase in serum concentrations of lipids is observed. The most relevant
lipids, clinically speaking, are cholesterol and triglycerides. Lipemic serum
also interferes with the reading of biochemical tests (BRUNETTO et al., 2011).
2.3.4 Changes in the joints
weight causes difficulties in mobility. This may oblige the dog to readapt its
pacing to its body profile. They tend to give shorter and slower paces in order to absorb impacts. Excess weight exerts a great
pressure on articulations, causing inflammation or, in advanced cases,
degeneration problems. Furthermore, obesity is a factor of risk for illnesses
such as hip dysplasia, osteoarthritis, and intervertebral disc disease (KEALY
et al., 2010; PACKER et al., 2013).
A study in
humans indicates that the severely obese have a higher incidence of pain in the
knees than non-obese people. Individuals with body mass index >50 have a
higher progression rate in arthrosis than individuals with body mass <50
(MARTINS et al., 2018).
2.3.5 Respiratory changes
Not only
obesity, but also overweight represents risk for the development of illnesses
in the respiratory tract. These conditions may aggravate and develop the syndrome
of the brachycephalic, chronic bronchitis, and tracheal collapse. Furthermore,
the animals present an increase in respiratory and cardiac rates, culminating
in low lung activity (KLEIN et al., 2004; SPAULDING, 1992).
2.3.6 Reproductive failures
Obese bitches have a higher risk of developing infertility, of
producing smaller litters, or of provoking neonatal death. They are more
predisposed to dystocia when compared to non-obese individuals. The
accumulation of fat in the pelvic cavity makes it difficult for the fetus to
pass. In obese males a reduction in testosterone concentration, and quality of
spermatozoa, occurs (SILVA et al., 2017; DEBASTIANI, 2018).
2.3.7 Skin diseases
to Yosipovitch, Devore and Dawn (2007) and Debastiani (2018), obese patients
have more conspicuous cutaneous folds. As a consequence,
they retain more heat, due to the thick layer of fat, that generates
overheating. These factors increase friction and moisture, which explains the
higher incidence of skin diseases in obese patients.
(2018) found that among the complications correlated with obesity are the
presence of some kind of skin disease – specifically oily skin, desquamation,
allergy, and dermopathy.
2.3.8 Neoplasms
In Human
Medicine, obesity is one of the factors related to the appearance of tumors
(VASCONCELOS; HORTA; LAVALLE, 2013). According to Harvey, Lashinger
and Hursting (2011), some obesity biomarkers have
been described. It has been observed that these were responsible for promoting
the growth of neoplastic cells in humans and animals. As examples are
hyperinsulinemia, leptin, sex hormones, pro-inflammatory cytokines, reduction
in the concentration of
adiponectin, a hormone that modulates glycemic regulation and
fatty acid catabolism, and other metabolic processes.
Lauby-Secretan et al. (2016) state that neoplasms commonly
related to obesity in humans are breast, thyroid, multiple myeloma
and digestive tract neoplasms (colon and rectum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas,
stomach and esophagus). In dogs, there is a prevalence of mast cell tumors,
breast tumors, and transitional bladder cell carcinomas (WEETH et al., 2007;
ALENZA et al., 2000).
(2018) complements that obesity is a risk factor for the development of bladder
tumors. The fatty tissue may serve as a deposit for carcinogenic substances.
2.3.9 Urinary tract
The main
changes in the urinary tract are caused by the installation and activity of
pathogenic bacteria (OLIN; BARTGES, 2015). Excess weight, as mentioned, tends
to reduce – in some cases drastically – the quantity and frequency of daily
physical activities, inducing, as a consequence,
reduction in mobility. This favors the adhesion of microorganisms in the mucosa
of the bladder, causing cystitis (MARSHALL et al., 2009; DEBASTINI, 2018).
2.4 Diagnosis
obesity is a worrying evil for tutors, most dog owners do not know that their
animals are above weight (LAFLAMME, 2006). Rodrigues (2011) informs that
several methods and equipment are used for the analysis of the corporeal
condition of human beings. Yet this same equipment are
little used in Veterinary Medicine, due to their high cost. Veterinary
procedures are basically restricted to experimental methods.
animals, diagnosis is done mainly with semiological methods of palpation and
inspection. When inspecting an animal, one must distinguish deposition of
abdominal fat from other situations that cause bulging, such as
hydroperitoneum. An animal without palpable ribs, with a distended abdomen and
a great quantity of adipose tissue at the base of the tail and inguinal region
has weight in excess (RODRIGUES, 2011).
The Body
Mass Index (BMI) is a practical method widely used that is very precise for
diagnosis. It consists in a calculus that provides the adequate weight relative
to corporeal mass, and follows the equation proposed by Rodrigues (2011) and
Silva et al. (2019): [BMI = weight (Kg) / stature² (m)].
The Body
Condition Score is a subjective method of corporeal evaluation, that defines
the animal's score on a numerical scale from 1 to 9. Laflamme (2006) indicated
that the ideal score is 5, and each number above this ideal represents an
increase in weight of 15% to 20% away from the optimum. For example, an animal
with a Body Condition Score of 7 has a percentage of body fat (% Control Group)
from 20% to 30% more fat that is appropriate. Obese individuals score between 6
and 9 (APTEKMANN et al., 2014). Thus, Body Condition Score also permits an
estimation according to the scale proposed by Laflamme (2006) (Table 1).
Table 1. Estimated
values by percentage (%) of body fat based on the Body Condition Score 5 for
dogs of male and female sex.
% Fat Male |
% Fat Female |
5 |
17 |
20 |
6 |
22 |
26 |
7 |
26 |
31 |
8 |
31 |
37 |
9 |
35 |
43 |
BCS: Body
Condition Score.
Source: Adapted
of Laflamme (2006).
It is
possible, however, not only to estimate the values of fat percentage in
animals, but also to obtain more precise results, and consequently closer to
reality, using the equations propose by Burkholder and Toll (2000), where:
% Control
Group (M) = [-1.4 (distance from patella to calcaneus) + 0.77 (abdominal circumference)
+ 4]
Body weight
% Control
Group (F) = [-1.7 (distance from patella to calcaneus) + 0.93 (abdominal
circumference) + 5]
Body weight
to Burkholder and Toll (2000), animals with values between 16% and 25% of fat are considered to be within normality. Animals with % in the
Control Group below 5% have cachexia, those with values between 5% and 15% are
thin, above 25% and up to 35% are overweight, and those above 35% are
represented by obese individuals.
is used to measure the thickness of the skinfold, and thus of the adipose
tissue deposited below the skin. According to Laflamme (2006), the abdominal
circumference is the most indicated measurement for this evaluation.
3 Material and Methods
project was submitted and approved by the Ethics Committee for Research (“Comissão de Ética no Uso de Animais”) of the Center of
Rural Technology of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG/Brazil),
under protocol n. 112/2018 (Appendix 1).
3.1 Animals and study site
dogs, including males and females, were evaluated, in fasting, without regard
to race and sex. The animals were distributed into two groups (N=15),
designated as Obese Group, containing obese animals, and Control Group,
containing non-obese animals.
3.2 Evaluated parameters
3.2.1 Epidemiological data
Of the 30
animals, 20 were examined in the section of the Medical Clinic for Small
Animals of the Veterinary Hospital Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa, at Federal University of Campina Grande
(HVUIMT/UFCG). The other 10 animals were examined at the private Veterinary
Center Pet Bem. Both clinics are
located in the city of Patos-Paraíba.
Data were
collected in order to identify possible factors of
risk for the animals used in this study. A previously prepared questionnaire
with 13 items was developed for this aim, and applied
to the tutors.
3.2.2 Identification of
obesity and body score
the method proposed by Laflamme (2006), for measuring subcutaneous fat of each individual, a measuring tape was used to record the
abdominal circumference. Next, the distance between the patella and calcaneus
was measured and the animals were weighted. With this data, the equation
proposed by Burkholder and Toll (2000) was applied.
The values
were used to compare obese and non-obese animals. The final numerical value was
correlated with the remaining data obtained for each animal. To evaluate the
body score, the proposal of Rodrigues (2011) was used (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Representation of different body scores in dogs.
Source: Adapted of Rodrigues (2011).
Access on: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YrfxJzo0KZBDo1gdPKltQAkOn1MOwfmc/preview
3.2.3 Physiological
- Blood
evaluate systolic, diastolic and median arterial
pressure (PAS, PAD and PAM, respectively), the non-invasive oscillometry method
was used, with a portable blood pressure device HDO. The cuff has been adapted
to the base of the tail or the left forelimb, proximal to the
humerus-radio-ulnar joint (Figure 2), recorded in mmHg.
Figure 2. Measurement of arterial pressure in an obese bitch (A) at Veterinary Hospital Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa,
Federal University of Campina Grande (HVUIMT/UFCG), Campus of Patos, Paraíba,
using a portable non-invasive oscillometry pressure device HDO (B). Source:
Access on: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CyEqTkTLJbixQhTPKK2OVX_eFOokfjvR/preview
a) Electrocardiographic
The electrocardiographic variables were
obtained using the computerized electrocardiograph (InCardio
Duo 2.2.5), the heart rate, duration and amplitude of the P wave being recorded
in milliseconds (ms) and millivolts (mV),
respectively, duration of the complex QRS (in milliseconds), wave amplitude R
(in millivolts), wave amplitude S (in millivolts), duration and amplitude of
wave T in milliseconds and millivolts,
respectively, duration and unevenness of segment ST, respectively in
milliseconds and millivolts, and the intervals of waves P and R (PR), in
milliseconds, and of waves Q and T (QT) in milliseconds. The parameters were
obtained with the animal in right lateral decubitus, being the reading of the
parameters carried out in derivation II (Figure 3).
Figure 3.
Electrocardiographic evaluation of a non-obese bitch at Veterinary Hospital
Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa, Federal Univerity of
Campina Grande (HVUIMT/UFCG), Campus of Patos, Paraíba. Source: HVUIMT/UFCG;
Access on: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DEQGq8HEkTWKfA5t0sttKJiv64s11Yjl/preview
3.2.4 Laboratory parameters
A sample
of 3 mL of venous blood from the cephalic vein was collected by puncture,
divided into two aliquots, and placed in tubes with and without anticoagulant
(EDTA). Next, the collected material at Medical Clinic of Small Animal sat
HVUIMT/UFCG was identified and sent to the Lab of Clinic Pathology at the same
institution. The animals were examined at Veterinary Center PetBem.
After the
same collecting procedure, samples were sent to Animal Vetlab
for the determination of values of the erythrogram (Red Cells- He, Hemoglobin -
Hg, Hematocrit - Ht, Mean Body Volume - VCM, Mean
Corpuscular Hemoglobin - HCM, Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration - CHCM,
and Range of Red Blood Cell Distribution - RDWC), platelet count, leukogram
(Total Leukocytes - Leuk., Segmented - Seg., Lymphocytes- Lymph., Monocytes -
Mon., Eosinophils - Eos., Basophils - Bas.), hepatic enzymes (alanine
aminotransferase - ALT and alkaline phosphatase - FAL), kidney enzymes (urea -
URE and creatinine - CRE), total proteins (PT) and albumin (ALB).
comparative evaluation and standardization of the results, the obtained values
were organized into canine species and age group from one to eight years, based
on the reference values described in the literature (KANEKO, 1997; MEYER;
HARVEY, 2004; WEISS; WARDROP, 2010).
3.2.5 Obesity and disease
After a
definitive diagnosis given by the Veterinarian, the tutor's main complaint and
the values of the laboratory tests were gathered and correlated with the
animals' body condition score and fat percentage.
3.3 Statistical analysis
related to risk factors were analyzed descriptively. The numerical values
obtained from the physiological and laboratory parameters were submitted to
analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey's test (P<0.05), using the
statistical program GraphPad Instat®, considering a
significance level of 5% (P<0.05).
4 Results and Discussion
Of the animals studied in
the Control Group, five were non-neutered males (34%) and 10 females (66%),
five being neutered (33%) and five non-neutered (33%). In the Obese Group, four
were neutered males (25%) and 11 females (75%), seven being neutered (44%) and
four intact (31%). Such information corroborates the studies of Diez and Nguyen
(2006), and Oliveira and Zimmermann (2016), in which there is a prevalence of
illnesses in neutered females When compared to males. In the Control Group,
nine had no indication of race SRD (60%), two belonged to the race Pinscher (13.33%),
one to Labrador (6.67%), one to Yorkshire Terrier (6.67%), one to Pit Monster
(6.67%), and one to Poodle (6.67%). In the Obese Group, seven animals, were SRD
(46.66%), two of race Beagle (13.34%), two were German Spitz (13.34%), two
Poodle (13.34%), one Shih-Tzu (6.66%), and one Labrador (6.66%). Silva et al.
(2017) stated that the races with smallest predisposition for developing
illnesses are Golden Retriver, Labrador, Cocker
Spaniel, Dachsund and Beagle.
However, studies conducted
by Jericó and Scheffer
(2002) indicate that the races most predisposed to illness are SRD, Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. Aptekmann et
al. (2014) found that 15% of dogs belonging to race Poodle, 8% to English
Cocker Spaniel, 8% to American Pit Bull Terrier, 7% to Labrador Retriever, 5%
to Teckel, 4% to Rottweiler, 4% to Boxer, 3% Schnauzer, 3% to Beagle, and 15%
to the remaining races, were affected by illnesses.
In the Control Group, six
animals were considered of small-medium size (40%), four as medium size (26.66%),
three as of small size (20%), one as a miniature (6.67%), and one as
large-sized (6.67%). Among individuals in the Obese Group, five were considered
as of small size (33.34%), five as of medium size (33.34%), two as miniatures
(13.33%), two as medium-sized (13.33%) and one as large sized (6.66%).
Corroborating the data of this study, Seok (2011) pointed out that dogs of
small races have a larger probability of developing obesity, when compared with
races of larger sizes. This situation was also observed by Diez and Nguyen
The incidence of obesity
increases as the animal becomes older, being diagnosed within an age group that
varies between five and eight years of age (BYERS et al., 2011; ALCÂNTARA,
2014). Carciofi (2005) pointed out that the age group with the largest
predisposition to obesity is found between 5 and 10 years of age. For
percentage of corporeal fat in the Control Group, the median age was 6.2 ± 2.7
years and for the Obese Group, 7.3 ± 1.8 years. Complementarily, the Control
Group obtained an average weight of 13.8 ± 9.4 kg, while the Obese Group
obtained 19.5 ± 11.6 kg. In a similar study using 80 obese dogs, Carvalho
(2015) observed that the mean weight of these animals was 13.76 kg. This mean
may vary, however, depending on the size of the animals prevailing in the study.
The values of abdominal
circumference and percentage of body fat (Table 2) show significant statistical
variability at P>0.05.
Table 2. Mean Values and Standard Deviation of waist
circumference and percentage of body fat in samples of obese and non-obese dogs
from samples of obese and non-obese dogs treated at Hospital Veterinário
Universitário Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa and PetBem Veterinary Center, in the city of Patos -
Group |
(kg) |
(cm) |
CG |
CG |
13.8 ± 9.4 |
63 ± 20 |
Males |
Females |
18.7 ± 2.2 a |
22 ± 3 a |
OG |
19.5 ± 11.6 |
65 ± 16.8 |
40.4 ± 5 b |
45 ± 4.7 b |
CG: control group; OG: obese group; AC:
abdominal circumference; % CG: percentage of body fat in Control Group. The
means for a same characteristic, followed by distinct small letters, indicate
that values have significant statistical variations, by the Tukey test
The abdominal circumference
measured 63 ± 20 cm for the Control Group and 65 ± 16,8 cm for the Obese Group;
the percentage of fat was 18.7 ± 2.2% and 22 ± 3 % in the Control Group for
males and females, respectively. Laflamme (2006) stated that the percentage of
body fat in animals of ECC 5, that is, with a score of members belonging to the
Control Group, must be 17% in males and 20% in females.
On the other hand, Burkholder and Toll (2000) considered that animals with 16%
to 25% of body fat are normal, without distinction of sex. Thus, members of the
Control Group, both males and females, have body fat that is within normality.
In the Obese Group, weights
of 40.4 ± 5% for males and 45% ± 4.7% for females were observed. In addition to
the percentage margin described by Burkholder and Toll (2000), Laflamme (2006)
pointed out that when the percentage of fat is applied to animals of ECC 9 -
score of the Obese Grp members -, it must be between 35% in males and 43% in
females. Such data indicate that all animals of both sexes were above the ideal
Most animals from the
Control Group fed on rations and homemade food, followed by rations
exclusively, and fruit (apple, pear and peach)
associated with industrialized snack sachets.
Aptekmann et al. (2014) conducted a similar study, in
which it was observed that 94% of tutors furnished dry rations, another 35%
offered homemade food to their animals, while 48% of tutors offered snacks
freely every day to their pets. The food offered to the Control group of animals
varied from daily to several times a day, this latter in fact predominating.
In the Obese Group, food
was offered freely, in equal quantities during the day, too once a day. Aptekmann et al. (2014) noted that 58% of the dogs were fed
twice a day, 8% once a day, and 3% more than three times a day.
On the other hand, in the
experiment of Alcântara (2014), obese animals were
mostly fed with moist and homemade food, furnished in equal portions along the
day; ad libitum feeding was not a predisposing factor for obesity in these
animals. Data relative to food management, physical activities and place of
resting are presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Factors of risk of obesity associated to
food management, practices of physical activities, and place of resting of
animals of Control and Obese Group treated at Hospital Veterinário
Universitário Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa and Petbem Veterinary Center, in the city of Patos-PB.
factors |
Category |
Total |
Total (%) |
GC |
GO |
GC |
GO |
Feeding |
Only ration Ration and homemade food Fruits and sachets |
10 4 1 |
5 9 1 |
66.6 26.6 6.8 |
33.3 60 6.7 |
Feeding frequency |
libitum Once a day Regularly |
12 3 |
8 2 5 |
80 20 |
53.3 13.3 33.3 |
Physical activity |
Daily Sporadically No activities |
11 4 |
3 3 9 |
73.3 26.7 |
20 20 60 |
Resting place |
Backyard Apartment |
12 3 |
12 3 |
80 20 |
80 20 |
Most non-obese animals had
daily physical activities, in contrast to obese dogs, of which nine did not
have physical activities (60%). The remaining dogs were divided into equal
portions with daily physical activities and sporadic physical activities. In a
study made in Australia, dogs with an ideal ECC practiced physical activities
regularly, while sedentary animals were, minimally, overweight (Bland et al.,
Mao et al. (2013) indicated
that dogs with little or no physical activity were more propense to obesity
(51,3%) when compared to animals with a routine of physical exercise (43,1%).
On the other hand, Courcier et al. (2010) did not
find a correlation between body weight and physical activity.
In both groups, 12 animals
(80%) remained most of the time in the backyard, followed by animals living in
apartments, a total of three dogs (20%). Animals living in apartments or
indoors have higher chances of developing obesity than animals living freely
outdoors (ALCÂNTARA, 2014).
When relating the
environment in which the animal lives, Colliard et al. (2006) found that 62.3%
of obese animals lived in apartments, 37,7% in houses, of which 42,7% had
access to the garden, while 28,2% had restricted or prohibited access to
outside environments. In regard to resting place, the
data diverge from the present study, as similar numbers of animals were found
for the conditions of Control and Obese Groups.
Data on endocrine disorders
relating to tutor and animal scores of the Control and Obese Groups are
presented in Table 4.
Table 4. Risk factors for obesity associated with
endocrine, pharmacological and family history, as well
as the opinion of the tutors of the animals in the Control Group and Obese
Group treated at the Hospital Veterinário Universitário Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa and PetBem Veterinary Center, in the City of Patos - PB.
factors |
Category |
Total |
Total (%) |
GC |
GO |
GC |
GO |
History of endocrinopathy |
Yes No Tutor is unable to inform |
14 1 |
1 9 5 |
93.3 6.7 |
6.7 60 33.3 |
Use of corticosteroids |
Yes No Tutor is unable to inform |
15 |
5 10 |
100 |
33.3 66.7 |
Family history |
Yes No Tutor Is unable to inform |
1 14 |
7 1 7 |
6.6 93.4 |
46.7 6.6 46.7 |
Opinion of the author |
Thin Ideal weight Above weight Obese |
8 7 |
2 4 8 1 |
53.3 46.7 |
13.3 26.7 53.3 6.7 |
Of the dogs in the Control
Group, 14 had a history of a previously diagnosed and controlled endocrine
disease (93.3%) and for there was no recent use of corticosteroids, unlike in
the Obese Group, where there was only one (6.7%) endocrinopathy animal;
however, five had recently used corticosteroids (33.3%). Catharine, Scott and Yoran (2004) observed the occurrence of obesity in 41% of
animals with hypothyroidism. Complementarily, Araujo et al. (2018) relate
hypothyroidism in an obese bitch having low response to health treatments to
lose weight. Furthermore, Barbosa et al. (2016) state that the most classic
symptom of hyperadrenocorticism is a pendular abdomen, a possible result of
obesity having been installed.
Eight tutors reported that
animals included in the Control Group (53.3%) were thin, while the remaining
animals (46.7%), were reported as of ideal weight. Backus and Wara
(2016) find that the pet aesthetic culture by men is worrying, since it is
believed that excess weight is directly related to health; this concern is
exacerbated by the fact that tutors always see their pet's weight as being
ideal, even if the individual is often overweight or obese (GOUVÊA et al.,
2018). Such a statement can be observed in the Obese Group, where most tutors
admitted that the animal was overweight, followed, respectively, by those who
believed it was at the ideal weight, thin, and only one, obese (6.7%). Only one
animal in the Control Group had a family history of obesity, while in the Obese
Group, there were seven animals with such a history (46.7%). Perlstein and Bissada (1977) made one of the first reports on obesity
related to other complications, after carrying out a study in Zucher rats that suffered from hereditary obesity. In
humans, the heritability coefficient usually exceeds 0.5, which means that it
is a trait with a high capacity for transmission to the next generations.
(HONRADO, 2018). The mean erythrogram data are represented in Table 5.
Table 5. Mean and Standard Deviation of the
erythrogram and number of platelets of the animals in the Control and Obese
Groups, treated at the Hospital Veterinário Universitário Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa and PetBem Veterinary Center, in the City of Patos - PB.
Erythrogram |
Groups |
values* (1
to 8 years) |
GC |
GO |
He (x106/µL) |
6.67 ± 1.24 a |
6.32 ± 1.16 a |
5.5 – 8.5 |
Hg (g/dL) |
13.54 ± 2.1 a |
13.11 ± 2.45 a |
12 – 18 |
Ht (%) |
39.73 ± 6.9 a |
39.66 ± 6.5 a |
37 – 55 |
MCV (fl) |
61.3 ± 6 a |
61.3 ± 7.2 a |
60 – 77 |
MCH (pg) |
21.1 ± 2.5 a |
19.1 ± 4.5 a |
19.5 – 24.5 |
CHCM (g/dL) |
32.97 ± 3.1 a |
32.88 ± 2.4 a |
32 – 36 |
RDRBC (%) |
12.83 ± 1.08 a |
12.83 ± 1.3 a |
12 – 15 |
(/mm³) |
284866 ± 121142.7 a |
267106 ± 149634.02 a |
200000 – 500000 |
He: Red Cells; Hg: hemoglobin; Ht: hematocrit; MCV: mean corpuscular volume; MCH: mean
corpuscular hemoglobin; CHCM: mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; RDRB:
range of distribution of red blood cells; Plaq.:
plaquetogram. The means of the same characteristic, followed by the same
lowercase letter in the columns indicates that the values do not have
significant statistical variation, by the Tukey test (p<0,05). Source: *Weiss
and Wardrop (2010).
The mean and standard deviation
of the erythrogram, referring to red blood cells (He), hemoglobin (Hg),
hematocrit (Ht), and hematimetric indices: mean
corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular
hemoglobin concentration (CHCM) and range of distribution of red blood cells
(RDRBC), as well as platelet count (Plaq.), did not
show a statistically significant difference between the groups.
As proposed in the
literature by Weiss and Wardrop (2010), the mean
hematological values referring to the erythrogram and platelet count were
within the reference values for the selected species and age groups. An
experiment performed by Harishankar et al. (2011)
with obese rats showed that obesity did not confer significant changes in the
erythrogram of the animals, with the exception of
thrombocytopenia, which was not observed in this study.
Martins et al. (2012) found
in their experiment that the averages observed for erythrogram and platelet
count in obese dogs were within the normal range, with the
exception of the low concentration of RDRBC, which was also not observed
in the present study.
The leukogram (Table 6),
evaluated from total leukocytes (Leuk.), segmented elements (Seg.), lymphocytes
(Lymph.), monocytes (Mon.), eosinophils (Eos.) and basophils (Bas.), showed no
significant variation between groups. According to the literature proposed by
Kaneko (1977) and Weiss and Wardrop (2010), the mean
values were not out of the standard for the species evaluated, with the
exception of the ALB and ALP tests for the animals of the Obese Group, which
were increased.
Table 6. Mean and Standard Deviation of leukograms of
obese and non-obese animals treated at Hospital Veterinário
Universitário Prof. Dr. Ivon
Macêdo Tabosa and PetBem Veterinary Center, in the City of Patos - PB.
Leucogram |
Groups |
values* (1
to 8 years) |
CG |
OG |
Leuk. (mm³) |
11698 ± 6728.3 a |
13315 ± 7919.3 a |
6000 – 17000 |
Seg. (mm³) |
8637 ± 4734.25 a |
11580 ± 4734.4 a |
3000 – 11500 |
Lymph. (mm³) |
3409 ± 2587.2 a |
3160 ± 1725.06 a |
1000 – 4800 |
Mon. (mm³) |
619 ± 616.2 a |
829 ± 693.21 a |
150 – 1350 |
Eos. (mm³) |
760 ± 1128.03 a |
643 ± 1075 a |
100 – 1250 |
Bas. (mm³) |
12,6 ± 33.4 a |
0 ± 1 a |
0 – 1 |
Leuk.: total Leukocytes; Seg.: Segmented
Elements; Lymph.: Lymphocytes; Mon.: Monocytes; Eos.: Eosinophils; Bas.:
Basophils; CG: Control Group; GO: Obese Group. The means of the same
characteristic, followed by the same lowercase letter in the columns, indicate
that the values do not have a statistically significant variation, according to
the Tukey test (p<0.05). *Source: Meyer and Harvey (2004).
According to what was
described by Meyer and Harvey (2004), all parameters remained within the
physiological limits, with the exception of the
Segmented Elements for the Obese Group and Basophils for the Control Group,
where both cell groups presented mean values above the confronted values in the
literature for canine species. However, according to Martins et al. (2012), the
animals in their study showed only an increase in Serum Rods, with the other
parameters remaining within the normal range. On the other hand, Roncoski et al. (2014) described in their work carried out
with 12 obese dogs an increase in the numbers of Neutrophils in 8% of the
animals, and Monocytopenia in 8%, with the remaining values unchanged.
The increase in segmented
cells, according to Laurino (2009), is commonly
observed as a result of situations of chronic stress, caused by factors such as
diseases, confinement and social isolation.
In research by Anjos et al.
(2012), involving a hematological evaluation of dogs with hemoparasitosis,
an increase in Basophils was observed in about 10% of the total number of
animals, which were infected. Approximately 13% of the dogs were infected with Anaplasma platys. The presence of
these hemoparasites was indeed observed in animals
from both groups in the present study.
Studies carried out by Vendramini (2019) involved hematological evaluation of
obese and non-obese dogs. It was possible to observe that there were no
relevant data about the increase of segmented leukocytes and basophils in dogs
in both classifications. It was observed that the values remained within the
ideal, or below, for the species.
The values of serum
biochemical tests, Alanine Aminotransferase (AAT), Albumin (ALB), Alkaline
Phosphatase (ALP), Total Proteins (TP), Urea (URE) and Creatinine (CRE) (Table
7), also showed no significant variations between groups (Table 7). According
to the literature proposed by Kaneko (1977) and Weiss and Wardrop
(2010), the mean values did not differ significantly from the standard for the
species evaluated. Only ALB and ALP tests for animals of the obese group were
Table 7. Mean and Standard Deviation of the
biochemical tests of samples obtained from obese and non-obese animals treated
at the University Veterinary Hospital Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa and PetBem Veterinary Center, in the City of Patos - PB.
Exam |
Group |
values* |
CG |
OG |
AAT (U/L) |
25.75 ± 12.84 a |
28.25 ± 21.56 a |
21 – 102 |
ALB (g/dL) |
3 ± 1 a |
4 ± 1.31 a |
2.6 – 3.3 |
ALP (U/L) |
48.8 ± 0 a |
522.8 ± 470 a |
20 –156 |
TP (/ dL) |
6.6 ± 0 a |
3 ± 0 a |
5.4 – 7.1 |
URE (mg/dL) |
39.15 ± 10 a |
34.7 ± 2.44 a |
21.4 – 59.92 |
CRE (mg/dL) |
0.625 ± 0.36 a |
0.7 ± 0.35 a |
0.5 – 1.5 |
AAT: alanine aminotransferase; ALB: albumin;
ALP: alkaline phosphatase; TP total proteins; URE: urea; CRE: creatinine; CG:
Control group; OG: Obese Group. The means of the same characteristic, followed
by the same lowercase letter in the columns, indicates that the values do not
have a statistically significant variation, according to the Tukey test
(p<0.05). *Source: Kaneko (1997); Weiss and Wardrop
Carneiro (2013) and
Rodrigues (2011) pointed out that the increase in blood levels of ALB occurs
exclusively in cases of dehydration, which, according to Martins (2012), may be
related to the age group of the animals. This is in line with the data
collected in this work, since the presence of a certain degree of dehydration
is common in older animals.
Another relevant factor is
the hydrophobic character of the fat tissue. Therefore, the amount of fat is
inversely proportional to the amount of water in the body (NELSON; COX, 2014).
However, it is important to emphasize that the lipemic serum can interfere with
the reading of some exams (BRUNETTO et al., 2011).
Carneiro (2013) and Lopes,
Biondo and Santos (2007) pointed out that the increase in ALP in dogs is
indicative of intra- or extra-hepatic cholestasis. This substance, according to
Veiga (2005), is common in animals with Diabetes
Mellitus. type I. However, the occurrence of the disease was not reported by
the tutors in any questionnaire of this study.
The values obtained on the
electrocardiogram did not differ statistically between the groups, as can be seen
in Table 8.
Table 8. Mean and Standard Deviation of
electrocardiographic variables obtained from obese and non-obese dogs treated
at the University Veterinary Hospital Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa and PetBem Veterinary Center, in the City of Patos - PB.
Variable |
Group |
variables related to systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP) and mean (MBP) blood
pressure, in addition to heart rate (HR), statistically showed no difference
(Table 9) for CG |
OG |
P (wd) |
46.7 ± 6.46 a |
46.9 ± 5.49 a |
P (wa) |
0.32 ± 0.4 a |
0.20 ± 0.07 a |
PR (i) |
88 ± 30.6 a |
84.92 ± 20.5 a |
QRS (wd) |
Small races |
Large races |
Small races |
Large aces |
54.5 ± 8.06 a |
56.18 ± 11.43 a |
50 ± 13.16 a |
50 ± 12.18 a |
QT (i) |
195,1 ± 25.51 a |
194 ± 30.4 a |
T (wd) |
61.9 ± 12 a |
62.97 ± 16.24 a |
T (wa) |
0.048 ± 0.22 a |
-0.02 ± 0.23 a |
ST (s) |
60.75 ± 23,4 a |
70.89 ± 29.24 a |
R (wa) |
1.001 ± 0.42 a |
0.796 ± 0.46 a |
Q (wa) |
-2.42 ± 7.23 a |
0.013 ± 0.24 a |
S (wa) |
-0.12 ± 0.09 a |
-0.04 ± 0.15 a |
P (wd): P wave duration; P (wa): P wave amplitude; PR (i): PR
interval; QRS (wd): QRS wave duration; QT (i): QT
interval; T (wd): T wave duration; T (wa): T wave
amplitude; ST (s): ST segment; R (wa): R wave
amplitude; Q (wa): Q wave amplitude; S (wa): S wave amplitude. CG: Control Group; OG: Obese Group.
Means followed by the same lowercase letter in the columns indicates that the
values do not have statistically significant variation, by Tukey's test
There were no changes for P
wave duration and amplitude, PR and QT intervals; both
groups maintained low values of amplitude of waves R and S. In addition, they
showed a slight increase in the wave duration of the QRS wave duration in small
breed dogs belonging to the Control Group (TILLEY, 1992; WOLF; CAMACHO; SOUZA,
2000; CONCEIÇÃO et al., 2005; PELLEGRINO et al., 2010; SANTILLI et al., 2018).
However, the alterations
found were minimal and without great importance for the cardiac
electrophysiology of these animals. The data disagree with Jericho, Silva and Machado (2006), who verified in their work a
prevalence of 72.4% of obese dogs with some alteration in the
Complementarily, Ferreira
(2007) used 474 dogs in his work. He showed that the most common
electrocardiographic alterations were: increased QRS
wave duration (24.31%), T wave amplitude, low QRS voltage (8.56%), deviation of
the depolarization axis to the left (8.56%), deviation of the electrical axis
to the right (6.51%), and P “mitrale” (6.16%).
In the electrocardiogram,
sinus rhythm was observed in the Control Group in eight animals (53.33%), and
in seven respiratory sinus dysrhythmia (46.67%). In the Obese Group animals,
four had sinus rhythm (26.66%), nine had respiratory sinus dysrhythmia (60%),
one had sinus tachycardia (6.66%), and one had sinus bradycardia (6.66%).
According to Camacho and Mucha (2014), sinus dysrhythmia is considered physiological
in dogs, while sinus bradycardia can be justified by the use
of digitalis and hypothyroidism. Sinus tachycardia would be related to
arousal (CAMACHO; MUCHA, 2014), according to Camacho and Mucha
(2014), a fact evidenced during the examination of the patient under study in
the research.
The variables related to
systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure, in
addition to heart rate, showed no difference statistically (Table 9).
Table 9. Mean and Standard Deviation of Systolic,
Mean and Diastolic blood pressures (SBP, MBP and DBP, respectively) and heart
rate (HR) obtained from obese (OG) and non-obese
(Control Group) animals treated at the University Veterinary Hospital Prof. Dr.
Ivon Macêdo Tabosa and PetBem Veterinary
Center, in the City of Patos - PB.
Group |
(mmHg) |
(mmHg) |
(mmHg) |
(bpm) |
CG |
141 ± 27.72 a |
93 ± 11 a |
71 ± 17.46 a |
112 ± 29.55 a |
OG |
142 ± 17.23 a |
95 ± 11.6 a |
84 ± 22 a |
114 ± 21.8 a |
SBP: Systolic Blood Pressure; MAP: Mean
Arterial Pressure; DBP: Diastolic Blood Pressure. The averages of the same
characteristic, followed by the same lowercase letter in the columns, indicate
that the values do not have statistically significant variation, by the Tukey
test (p<0.05).
According to the
classification proposed by Tilley and Goodwin (2002), both groups showed a
slight increase in Systolic Blood Pressure; the animals in the Control Group
did not show an increase in Diastolic Blood Pressure, which in turn was
observed in the animals in the Obese Group. Carciofi (2005) stated that the
correlation between obesity and hypertension is controversial, since the animal
may have high blood pressure when compared to a healthy dog, and not necessarily
be hypertensive. On the other hand, Santos (2016) stated that obesity is a
relevant risk factor for the development of arterial hypertension, in addition
to other cardiac alterations. An investigative and follow-up work is necessary,
correlating the patient's clinical condition with his cardiovascular
The Heart Rate remained
within the normal range. However, the obese animals had a higher mean value
than in the Control Group animals. This may corroborate the studies on cardiac
autonomic neuropathy (KLEIN et al., 2004; MARCHI et al., 2016).
Regarding the tutor's main
complaint, the data are presented in Table 10. It was observed that most of the
animals belonging to the Control Group were taken only for routine
examinations, followed by some skin lesion, swelling in thoracic limb, apathy
and vomiting, cough and halitosis.
Regarding the animals in
the Obese Group, there were complaints of cough, halitosis, routine evaluation,
apathy and vomiting, fetid odor coming from the ear, difficulty in locomotion
and swelling in the face and neck region. Such information proves studies that
point out the visual misrepresentation of the tutor in relation to the body
score of his animal, since no tutor took his pet to the vet with a complaint of
weight gain, or aiming to investigate this problem.
Table 10. Main complaint of animals in the Obese Group
(OG) and non-obese group (CG), treated at the Hospital Veterinário
Universitário Prof. Dr. Ivon
Macêdo Tabosa and PetBem Veterinary Center, in the City of Patos - PB.
Group |
complaint |
Total |
Total (%) |
CG |
Routine exams Skin lesions Increase in volume in thoracic limb. apathy and vomiting Coughing Halitosis |
7 2 2 2 1 1 |
46.7 13.3 13.3 13.3 6.7 6.7 |
OG |
Coughing Halitosis Routine exams Apathy and vomiting Fetid odor in ear Mobility difficulties Volume increase in face Volume increase in neck |
4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 |
26.7 13.3 13.3 13.3 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 |
The animals’ definitive
diagnoses are shown in Table 11.
Table 11. Final diagnosis of the animals in the Obese
Group (GO) and non-obese group (CG), treated at the Hospital Veterinário
Universitário Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa and PetBem Veterinary Center, in the City of Patos -
Group |
Diagnosis |
total |
total (%) |
CG |
Disease free Hemoparasitosis Neoplasm Trauma Tracheal collapse Tartarus Dermatopathy |
6 3 2 1 1 1 1 |
40 20 13.3 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 |
OG |
Hemoparasitosis Tracheal collapse Tartarus Hip dysplasia Bronchopneumonia Neoplasm Trauma Disease free Dermatopathy |
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 |
13.33 13.33 13,33 13.33 13.33 13.33 6.7 6.7 6.7 |
Of the animals belonging to
the first group, six were not sick (40%), while only one animal in the second
group had the same condition (6.7%), being taken to the veterinarian for
routine examinations. In addition, both groups had hemoparasitosis,
three in the Control Group (20%) and two in the Obese Group (13.33%). There was
no correlation between obesity and hemoparasitosis in
the study by Scherer and Mergener (2014), by Canuto, Matias and Aquino-Cortez
(2016), or by Guimarães (2019). These studies
demonstrated only that the occurrence of hemoparasites
is related to the presence of hematophagous vectors, such as fleas and ticks.
In both groups there was a
prevalence of one animal diagnosed with some trauma (6.7%). Santoro and Arias
(2018) stated that diseases of the central nervous system, especially those
related to trauma, confer more complications in large and obese dogs, due to
the difficulty in managing the patient's position. In addition, two obese
animals were diagnosed with hip dysplasia (13.33%), a condition that was not
observed in the other group. A study with two groups composed of obese dogs and
with food restriction showed that at two years of age, 67% of obese dogs had
hip dysplasia, and only 29% of animals with restricted food developed the
disease (LAWLER, 2002).
According to Carciofi
(2005), obesity is one of the main risk factors for the development of
orthopedic disorders in adult dogs. Yet, it was not a relevant risk factor in
this study, since there was no significant number of animals with any changes
in the locomotor system.
Two animals were diagnosed
with tracheal collapse in the Obese Group (13.33%) and one in the Control Group
(6.7%). Obesity is a risk factor for triggering the development of tracheal
collapse in dogs, which is in agreement with Carciofi
(2005). In addition, two dogs from the obese group had bronchopneumonia
(13.33%), which was absent in the animals from the control group. Studies by
Debastiani (2018) showed a positive correlation between respiratory problems
and obesity. Complementarily, Melo et al. (2014) stated that, in humans,
structural changes in the thoracoabdominal region related to excess fat reduce
diaphragmatic mobility and rib movement.
In the control group, one
animal had tartar (6.7%), an alteration also observed in two animals in the
obese group (13.33%). According to Keller et al. (2015) and Khosravi
et al. (2013), the relationship between obesity and periodontal diseases in
dogs is not established so far. However, in humans, it is known that excess
weight is a risk factor for the development of this condition. Debastiani
(2018) found that tartar is one of the complications triggered by installed
The presence of some skin
disease was observed in one animal in both groups (6.7%). German (2006) and
Silva (2018) stated that the most common skin diseases in obese dogs are
seborrhea and pyoderma.
In both groups, two animals
were diagnosed with a neoplasm (13.33%). Silva et al. (2017) observed a higher
incidence of tumors in obese animals, when compared to non-obese animals. This
was not observed in this study, since the groups had an equal number of animals
with some kind of tumor.
5 Conclusions
We conclude that obesity in
dogs determines important clinical alterations that affect the quality of life
of the animals. Overweight can be avoided by employing proper management of
diet and providing physical exercises for dogs. The specific correlation between
obesity and the diseases found may be more strongly related to the factor
responsible for the triggering of each disease. This correlation may be
different in both groups. It is necessary to carry out additional tests, in order to detect and treat the possible primary cause of
the disease.
DBS established researched procedures and
contributed to the writing of the manuscript, with experience in the theme and
specialized pedagogical training, helped to establish the methodology and
contributed with the writing of the article, including a revision of the
data. MLC contributed with a revision of
the final manuscript, including its version into English. APS supervised and
was the mentor of this research.
authors declare that they are not subject to any type of conflict of interest
with the participants or with any other collaborator, directly or indirectly.
The authors declare that no funding is
applicable for this research.
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